I’m not sure a 28w drop in ftp would equal you having ever done 25 mins at that ramp tests best 1 minute power. Unless I’m missing something?
1:59 for me as a hand cyclist…
1:07 from the same ramp test
6:05 for me. I find it much easier to ride hard outdoors. I think I really benefit a lot from the “microbreaks” out on the road and the distractions that the real world provides from pain.
it’s cause i’ve got rookie numbers over here!
last successful ftp test i did months ago was at 204w
previously i was a bit higher (maybe 215w if i remember well)
last test i did on friday (or was it thursday) with my new to me power pedals gave me 176w
for my 176w, best 1-minute power was about 227w
back when i was at 204w,
227w would’ve been VO2max intervals territory and low and mid volume SSB programs have some vo2max work (taylor, mills, bluebell, spencer) along with sustained power build as well… and the triathlon specialty as well!
when i was at 216,
227w would’ve been in over-under territory
anyways you get the gist
i’m re-testing tonight hoping to get a more realistic result!
The longest I’ve ever held my best ramp 1 min power is 2:49. I’ve always thought I’d had relatively good 3-5min power, so this seems surprisingly short compared to the other athletes here. Another point of curiosity is that my best 5 minute power is only about ~20w less than this number (461 in the ramp vs. 441 best all-time 5 min). The segment of my power curve from 3-5 minutes is basically flat, compared to other increased durations that have the expected downward left to right trend.
Questions this post has risen:
1- What can I glean from the above observations? One thing that’s odd is that when I compare a ramp test to a 20 min test, I’m significantly (~25w) higher on the ramp test. I’m trying to connect any dots here, but not sure if there is anything.
2- what is the difference between your best 3min and best 5min power?
@SRLECEY I’m not sure anybody has the answer.
I think it’s interesting that riders who have relatively quicker TTE @ MAP usually say a ramp test overestimates their 60m constant workrate. Riders with relatively longer TTE@MAP usually say they suck at ramp tests. I would have guess that relationship would be the other way round…could just be sample bias, though.
Just guessing but if you hop onthe trainer tonight & give it a try you’ll probably do better than 2:49. And if you try again next week you’ll almost certainly do better than that.
1:04 for me
My initial thought was that because I tend to be better suited for shorter efforts of 3-5 minutes, a ramp test yields a higher FTP estimate. However, seeing that my TTE at 133% of my FTP, or my best ramp 1 min power, is under 3 minutes, maybe that’s not the case.
1- I’d be curious to see my FTP estimate using the 8 min test protocol. I don’t have any intention or motivation for that kind of suffering at this point in the season.
2- Maybe I’ve never given a true 3 min effort. The 2:49 was from a weeknight crit that I don’t remember doing anything spectacular. So, you’re probably right, if I went all out, I could probably hold it longer than 2:49. Again, I don’t have any intention or motivation for that kind of suffering at this point in the season.