Presumably if it was Randsomware they would need to have informed the ICO (and other bodies in other nations) as if it would be a notifiable breach with a high likelyhood of risk to the rights and freedoms of indviduals. I would have thought it would at that point also be something they would need to announce to the stock exchange before opening today? Which make me think it’s not that l
Guess I may be timing my virtual race on Saturday with my stopwatch from the 1970s Hope it knows where all the Strava segments are.
The organisations that are nowhere on cloud security are the same ones that were nowhere on on-premise security! For many smaller organisations the cloud actually offers the opportunity to be more secure than they were previously, since basic housekeeping stuff (upgrades, patches, etc) gets handled for them and they can outsource a lot of security management to companies that have tools, expertise and capability that is very hard and expensive to develop in-house at a small scale.
The problem being of course that if you don’t really understand (or place value on) security in the first place, just see cloud as an opportunity to cut costs and so sign up with the cheapest provider and/or the basic/no frills service from whichever provider you’re with, then you get what you pay for…
Does anyone know if Garmin Training Centre pc software windows 10 certified? I think I last used it with Win 98se and an edge 305. Can probably download it from a Russian mirror site…
Or they don’t even know the extent of the problem yet and have shut everything down as a precaution?
I’m going to assume that LiveTrack is also offline because of all this, but doesn’t anyone know if Strava Beacon via Garmin is still working? It’s not clear to me what is handled by Connect and where the handoff to Strava takes place. Perhaps @GPLama or @dcrainmaker know the answer?
I’m rolling out for a 4 hour solo ride tomorrow and LiveTrack is my peace of mind if something goes awry when I’m out alone.
They may be shutting everything down until they’re sure of the scope. That being said, corporate VOIP phone systems are just another part of the network/computer system.
For those looking to do an outside workout but can’t get the workout file into Garmin at this point…
As other have mentioned, you can always download a .FIT file from a workout you have previously done. But this only works for workout you have done. If you haven’t done it, you can download somebody’s ride by searching for a ride in “all rides history for that workout”. Try findind somebody with a similar FTP as you (you can use your predicted calories burned and their actual calories burned to try to match the FTP).
I think this should work.
Hole lot of Garmin not gonin on
Thanks, @c-h-a-d. Signed up for a free account, and the downloads go to Garmin Connect (obviously, if we could connect there we’d not be looking for another option as the usual TR sync process would work. Going to Dropbox so I could pull it from there requires a paid accouint.
I may just have to go old school and train based on something simpler that a downloaded, prompted by interval workout on my 1030.
Could be worse. At least we can still ride our bikes. Just be glad you weren’t planning on firing up the company Gulfsteam for a flight . . .
Oh the humanity
Billionaire problems. Don’t you hate it when that happens?
Well no - I uploaded to two other cloud-based services. That’s twice as good, no?
No. But anyway.
Seeing they went over 24 hours shutdown, and that this affected Connect, aircraft equipment database and route update services, call centers and production - that sounds a lot worse than “maintenance”.
The lack of data held locally on the Garmin connect app is remarkable. You may as well replace it with a shortcut
I see they have added to the error message on the Garmin connect app now so they must have regained at least some control?
It is encouraging the cyclists are not in this alone. I’m sure Garmin REALLY doesn’t want to be hearing from the billionaires’ pilots. Maybe that’s why they shut off the phone system . . .
Yeah, I also have a Road iD that I wear. Just having something that shows my wife where I am in real-time and sends a notification if I go down is peace of mind for the both of us.
Edit: I’m an idiot. I didn’t click the link to see that it’s to the App Store. And I know better, too.
And they’re huge player in the general aviation small plane market too although a lot of that stuff are instruments more akin to a head unit that can still work without a connection.
I’m using it with Windows 10s. It doesn’t always show all laps graphically and if it is a programmed workout it only shows the extent of the workout and not the subsequent cool down. But it’s a another resource to look at