Interesting. I’ve run GP 5000s for over a year and not had a single puncture.
Im sure it’s rim dependent but with 2 people putting on 2 of them was a 15 minute job
Interesting. I’ve run GP 5000s for over a year and not had a single puncture.
Im sure it’s rim dependent but with 2 people putting on 2 of them was a 15 minute job
I don’t use the tubeless ones, just regular clinchers with Latex tubes. Cut one sidewall on glass (clean cut), outside of that I haven’t had any unusual wear or punctures or things coming apart. I can get them on and off my wheels completely by hand, so changing a tube roadside is no issue.
Also remember that for every person with a negative thing to say there are probably dozens of silent happy users. The GP5k is probably the best selling tire out there, so it’s also going to have more bad comments naturally.
Give me a break man. You are commenting in a thread with almost 150 replies specifically discussing the challenges that users have had installing these tires on their wheels. There are comments from users saying their LBS gave up or took hours to do it. Do you really believe that every single one of these people and bike shops didn’t know the basic tire install knowledge of putting the bead in the center of the rim?
Look, if they install easily for you on your set of wheels fantastic. But to discount everyone else’s experience because of your personal anecdotal experience is arrogant and absurd. I was simply providing my own experience as well as others I know, and my whole point, if you read my first post in this thread, was questioning why anyone would spend hours trying to install them. They might work for great for some people but they aren’t some magical tire that is somehow leaps and bounds better than everything else to the point they are worth that level of frustration.
And you didn’t discount the many happy gp5k users based on your own anecdotal experience? Sorry but a 150 post thread on this forum, or something on reddit is not definitive proof of anything, and it’s a little absurd you are being the way you are to the guy as if he said “if you can’t fit them you’re stupid” or anything along those lines
I posted this in another thread, here has been my experience with TUBELESS ready tires.
The following tubeless ready tires fit fine on my Enve 5.6 disc wheels:
These were very very difficult to get on despite using all tricks - heated tire in hot sun, lubricate rim, bead in center, pushing valve up to make more room, etc.
The following tubeless ready had at least one tire that slid on without any real effort:
Both of those tires ended up burping and instantly flatting. The first one I brought the bike safely to a stop, the second one I went down and injured my thumb which took months to recover.
Moral of that story - when a tubeless tire slides on too easily think of it like the OJ trial - “if the tires don’t fit, you must acquit” (acquit = set free = throw in trash).
In other words, tire/rim interface can be a safety issue. Here is a graphic from a Mavic article highlighting the issue:
At least the GP5K TL isn’t a safety issue. When I got a flat and the one bacon didn’t seal the tire, it was about 90F and I was able to install a tube roadside. The next day I literally couldn’t get the tire on, despite using all the tricks. Maybe my thumb was too tired from the roadside repair. I dunno, but it killed my confidence in doing roadside repairs with this particular set of tires unless I started carrying a tire jack.
Enough people report the same install experience that I believe Continental erred on the side of caution with GP5K TL and slightly undersized these tires.
FWIW on the non-tubeless side of things, never had a problem installing the GP 4000 S II on these rims. It took a little thumbing and elbow grease (good fit), and when inflating they always made a reassuring “pop” noise when the bead snapped into the hooked rim. I probably installed at least 5 GP4K tires on these rims and they always were a good fit and always popped into place when inflating.
What caught my attention and more why I responded was your comment regarding sidewall issues and them being “shit” which I’ve not seen, heard experienced around here (major city) with many riding these tires. Where are you SoCal?
They almost are though!
They’re a pain to get on, the sidewall fragility is a concern and 3 of the 4 tyres I’ve had suffered from threads coming loose… but my god are they fast!
Sidewall issues? Almost every tire model I’ve ever used has suffered from sidewall issues on our crap roads, the most recent was a Conti 4 Season which is a more durable tire than any racing tire. Tire was at 2100 miles and still had a lot of tread left. The explosion was so loud I was asked if someone shot a gun at me!
You have to ride around the pot holes, metal and glass and for god’s sake @bbarrera when you bunnyhop the curb clear the damn curb man!
hey hey hey even a tank can drop the tread
Can’t wait to get a new bike and run 32s as daily drivers!
FWIW, i shared your story with my buddy who had the Sector 28s and his response was “i rode the sector 28s for thousands of miles without anything like that happening”
Also I said above that I got Sectors as a backup to the ENVEs I am currently running, and that was mistaken. I got the Fusion 25s. Still haven’t used them and don’t know if/when I will, but I guess I will pay more attention to how easily they go on.
It still shouldn’t take a tire hours to install if you are doing the normal things right. If it’s taking that long, it doesn’t sound like the tire/wheel combo is correct even if it is supposed to fit.
NorCal. And I haven’t had the sidewall issues with any other tires. Only the GP5ks.
Again, my point was not to trash the 5ks in general so shit was certainly the wrong word. But they have been poorly performing for me personally, all of my cycling friends nearby that have tried them, and have seen many similar comments echoed elsewhere online.
@Cleanneon98 does have a good point about them being the most popular so perhaps that leads to more reports of these issues. But when the reports match my experience, they help to reinforce my perception.
FWIW the four Sector 28s I picked up were special edition BWR (Belgian Waffle Ride) on sale at a pretty deep discount (Excel Sports I believe):
I’m in a fairly large club (~600) and have seen more than my fair share of ride ending sidewall cuts/tears (either on a club ride or on my Strava feed). My first memory was right after getting a road bike and it happened to a buddy on GP 4000 S2s, and it wasn’t his first time. Off the top of my head I’ve had sidewall cuts/tears/blowouts happen on GP4K, Zipp Tangente RT-25, Conti 4-Seasons, Specialized S-Works Turbo Road Tubeless, and Sector 28s. Some I fixed with a boot/dollarbill, and some were ride ending.
Recently switched to road tubeless on a new bike/wheels and went with the CP5000 32’s for road tires. Was a little concerned after reading all the challenges, but they mounted up with no issues just like a regular clincher for me (no tools required). This must be highly dependent on the rim. I was mounting them on Bontrager Pro 3V rims.
They seem to roll really well, but they are pretty heavy. Just slightly lighter than my 38mm Rambler gravel tires. If this was my road racing bike, I might care more about the weight, but I’m just enjoying the cush ride on the 32’s.
Just FYI, I’ve installed 5000 TL’s on a set of Zipp 303s this weekend. No issues what so ever. Installed both tyres without the need of levers, just strong thumbs. Genuinely pleased given all the noise on this thread about how hard they can be. There are obviously a few tips and tricks, and clearly the rim makes a difference but I can confirm Zipp 303s aren’t a concern.
Did you manage to get them in? I just got a new set of 64mm mavic comete pro ust and the continental and i’m on the same ground. Impossible to fit. Already damage a pair of good plastic levers.
The tires reach to a point where no matter the technique, if i try one side in, the other snaps out. If i hold tight and repeat, it will jump off just behind of where i’m holding or pushing.
Tried soap, heat, stretching the tire prior mounting. Also started away from the valve coming to the valve and viceversa and NADA.
I can’t recommend the Schwalbe Blue Tyre levers enough - I was having the exact same issues as everyone else on the thread and these have solved all of them. Got GP5000TL’s onto a few different rims (including Mavic and Zipp) with minimal issues.
I have SBT levers for “on tour” mode, these are must have, but to fit conti 5000tl on Hunt 4 season wheel i managed only with this tool.
not portable for sure, wich makes me wonder what WHEN my sealant fails, and I need to dismount tire and put tube inside
edit: a little OT- any conti 5000tl worth to mention alternatives?
Exactly the same issue as you with the same wheels. I went back to the Mavic tubules tyres which, in fairness, I have had no issues with.
I think the (very) large bead of the 5000TL takes up all the space in the rim trough so it basically makes getting the second side on impossible (on these wheels).
Normal gp5000 fitted fine though.
I gave up trying to fit my gp5000’s and bought some schwalbe pro ones instead. They went on no bother.