Heat training on recovery days?

The more I do it, the more I grab extra layers for non heat training sessions because else I am starting to feel cold

Iā€™ll have to find the article/video but I remember seeing something that one of the Uno-X riders was doing with heat that was interesting. Basically a few days of heat training leading up to a 3 day block of Threshold & VO2 efforts. The thought being do some heat training rides, your body increases plasma volume, which then is beneficial for the Threshold and VO2 workouts. So youā€™re not doing it to get heat adaptations per se, itā€™s solely to get a quick increase in plasma volume before some intense training sessions.

I would expect lactate to be slightly higher in heat at same power, as the body tends to oxidize more carbs in the heat, but I havenā€™t tested myself.

Same for me, I am getting much more sensitive to cold now I do heat training.