I think this is akin to club coaching.
To explain. In the pre-WW1 days sports were all about community, everyone’s income was low and all the club roles were voluntary. But 100years on from those days, the idea of clubs being run by volunteers has changed significantly. The Boards/Committees continue as volunteer roles. But, the active daily roles have needed to become more professional, not least from members expectations, often the risk mgt needs, as well as the facility and finance mgt.
One of the stranger aspects is members expectations that coaches specifically should be available at all unsocial hours, highly professional, highly trained and knowledgeable, be the first to arrive and the last to leave, to always be enthusiastic, highly motivated and motivating. And if there are any special needs, be the person expected to fulfill them.
Yet members all too often, both formally in the club structure but also at the personal level expect them to do this all for free, and at the cost of their own training and participation.
What I am describing is actually an attitude of club members often built into club culture, that their performance expectations are totally reasonable, ie, selfishness when it comes to sporting performance is normal. So, why would those fellow members make a long term commitment to help you in such a culture, that’s what the unpaid coach should be doing.
IMO you are seeking a long term volunteer when the very idea of volunteerism is waning.
If my thoughts are near the mark. What needs to change.
As clubs and members expect professional level coaching, so the Club should employ the coaching team. If a club wants to foster a specific group that may have special needs, be that disability, encouraging youth, female, local low paid, seniors, etc, then the club should source and fund that. The culture becomes, that’s what we do here, this differentiates us from others, we the membership fund the club so it can do this on our collective part. These roles don’t fall onto the unpaid coach, the retired vollie etc. Not that it excludes such people, just it isn’t an unpaid expectation. That these roles become important to the club culture, they are respected and acknowledged.
So, in this case, your club would have a club tandem bike, and members would periodically experience riding blindfolded, because this is what our club does, in addition to the normal club events and training.
However, the converse of this, other clubs will market their club as providing everything for free. Where everything probably is a narrow range. So, such club culture change probably requires district/association level change.