I was wrong to discount TR indoor endurance rides

I think doing these endurance rides outdoors also is hard. Not so much from the physical perspective rather the discipline. Having to stay in Z2 when going up an incline, or into a headwind, not jumping behind a passing rider you know you can out-ride, having to say to your group riding mates, I’ll miss this one as I need to do some Z2 training. What I find most difficult is riding in heavy traffic, I hadn’t realised how much extra attention I was giving such traffic, all subconsciously, and it raises my HR well into the next zone. The more I do these outside, the easier physically they become, ie, learning, to react under my control rather than the conditions. Z2 is easy.

I have also been experimenting with the ‘Talk Test’. And finding it a great aid when outside particularly. If I can say my mobile number out loud in a normal comfortable conversational manner, I’m in Z2, or say the 1st 10 letters of the alphabet, before the urge to take a breath is signaled. If that urge comes after the 1st 4 characters I know I am between VT1 and 2, if that urge comes after 1-2 characters I’m above VT2.

I’ve posted about the polarized trial plans. I’m not convinced they have the HIIT session sorted out yet, in both duration and intensity. Am interested to hear from others.