Here’s @SarahLaverty sounding like a real human with real advice the other day:
Aaaaah I’m so sorry to hear about the crash and resulting injury .
My main priority is to just recover well, eat healthy, etc.
I think your priorities are straight. Nutrition can play a huge role in your recovery from injury, so make sure to fuel yourself well!
I realise you mentioned that your ability to leave the house will be limited. However, if you can, you might consider swimming. If you can’t kick, you could use a pool buoy to limit the motion of your legs.
You could …
Here’s @IvyAudrain doing the same:
Yo! Just following up to make sure you saw the email from our support team member Kyle with some tips on making that process a little easier for you with some workarounds.
This would look like scheduling your TrainerRoad workout as an Outside Ride, then, whenever you complete the workout on the Peleton, it’ll go to Strava and should automatically upload from there to TrainerRoad, where it should automatically associate with the planned ride.
It does look like you were able to manually import a…
The CEO being aggressively and unnecessarily transparent about pricing because transparency is important to him:
The plan is to have two different opt-outs:
Stay on your legacy price
Get a 15% discount going forward (middle ground - a few people mentioned wanting this as an option)
The worst case for us would be that legacy people think they HAVE to pay more, then cancel.
We’ve decided on the opt-out because a lot of people (tens of thousands in our estimation) don’t mind paying an extra $5/month or so.
But we also want to recognize that there is inflation/economic pressure and any ch…
I can’t speak for anyone else, but I haven’t. If the content of their replies bothers you, reply and tell them how to do better. If the perkiness bothers you, maybe go get some fresh air.