FTP Detections happen when:
When you are in the Base or Build phase of your training plan, every 28 days, you will have the option of viewing an FTP Detection.
Additionally, completing a Level 9.0 workout or higher in the Base or Build phase may trigger an AI FTP Detection, even if it hasn’t been 28 days since your last detection. Similarly, this detection can occur even when you are not following a structured training plan.
FTP Adjustments come when you either:
- Complete a level 9.0 or higher workout.
- If you successfully complete a level 9.0 workout in the Sweet Spot, Threshold, VO2 Max, or Anaerobic Zones and you are in the Speciality phase, AI FTP Detection will suggest a 2% increase in your FTP. This small FTP change ensures that your Progression Levels stay adequately elevated so that Adaptive Training will continue to prescribe higher-level workouts with greater time in that zone. In doing so, this bump from our AI will allow you to continue to sharpen the energy systems that will be utilized specifically during your event.
- Fail a level 2.0 or lower workout
- If you fail a level 2.0 workout and your Post-Workout survey response for that session is marked as “too intense” or “training fatigue”, AI FTP Detection will suggest decreasing your FTP by 2%. This small change in FTP is meant to help get you back on track with your training and set you up for success in your future workouts. FTP decreases are unique in that they can also occur outside of the Specialty Phase, even if an athlete isn’t following a plan.
If you’re continually knocking out high-level (level 9 or above) Sweet Spot, Threshold, or VO2 Max workouts, it’s likely that your FTP is set too low. There are, of course, some athletes who like to continually do these sustained power Sweet Spot workouts, but it’s rare that someone is able to sustainably knock out really high-level SS, Threshold, and/or VO2 Max workouts with an accurate FTP.
Just to clarify, my confusion earlier, FTP detections due to passing high-level (9.0 or above) happen in the Base and Build phases, while FTP Adjustments happen when you pass high-level workouts in a Specialty phase. This is to keep the FTP change low (2%) to allow you to continue to knock out hard workouts in preparation for your event