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Here are the work intervals detected by intervals.icu

Simply scanning down that list:

  • for z5 I don’t see anything 2 minutes or longer. Hard to see that moving the needle on vo2max progression level
  • for z6 there is one effort and barely anaerobic so hard to see it moving that needle
  • which brings me round to z3 and z4, which if you loosen things up there is a longer interval to suss out like I did in the TR screenshot above. So that seems like enough stimulus to count toward something

just a few random thoughts.

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Just joined today, which is cool and built the plan with my goal in mind (a solo ride of ~220km) but no ramp scheduled? @IvyAudrain is this expected? I do have one about 4 weeks in.

The one problem I have (and have added a feature request) is time, I don’t have the time for reasons to do the longer workouts, I used to just substitute them and all was good but I swear I read in one of the many threads that changing workouts buggers it all up.

Some of my workouts have alternatives but others don’t. So as not to break stuff is it just a use trainnow with a 60 or 75-minute workout or can the calendar be changed now?

Edit: I did read it!

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In the case of the alternates not giving you stuff, I’d recommend letting support know (support@trainerroad.com). TR recently added a ton of new workouts to fill in gaps like that, so if there are still some gaps to fill, it’s worth letting them know where they are.

To answer your question, TrainNow sounds like a good answer to me if you don’t have alternates. I’m not 100% on how it will interact with AT, but it’s built around a lot of the same mechanics, so I would assume it is a solid substitute.

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What is the current thinking on Bunch rides? Add a 3hr endurance workout and associate the outside ride with that? Add a 3 hr endurance workout and open the workout on the Garmin head unit and execute the workout while riding in the bunch?

Or, not both and don’t stress? TIA

If you need a shorter workout, always use variants when they are available.

@IvyAudrain What is the best option to do a shorter workout with AT if a shorter variant isn’t available?

Would it be to do the planned workout and end it early, then select the survey response that says it was cut short for time

My personal process has been to just do the ride and not associate it with a workout. It doesn’t affect my levels, but in my experience so far, this has been a non-issue. I regularly am getting workouts that feel magically perfectly chosen, despite my fatigue levels.

Also, for me, associating it with a workout means when non-workout rides are officially accounted for, the ride won’t be classified as a non-workout ride and could lose some value at that time. So I just take the hit on not getting PL changes now and let AT do its thing with my actual workouts. Here’s a longer write-up I made not too long ago with more details on my experience for additional reference on why I think it isn’t that critical.

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Do you need to do this? I just at times will skip a day ie today as its my recovery week I decided a whole day off was the better choice.

I am also getting my second vaccine dose next week and will purposely push next weeks workouts down one week and do easy workouts next week. This is just for me to watch how I react to the vaccine. Will see what mess that makes.

Hmm… That just means there isnt a shorter workout available that stays consistent with the ‘goals’ of what your plan is trying to accomplish for you that day.

In that case, its okay to surf the workouts page for something similar (ie something with a similar looking profile in the same zone as your assigned workout) for the duration of time that works for you and do that. The TSS/IF and workout level will look different, but that’s okay! AT will make adjustments accordingly to account for it. :sunglasses:


I’ve been in the Beta for a few weeks now and I just wanted to say kudos to the TR team as I’m really enjoying the more tailored training experience. Certainly there a few little bugs and some progression levels I don’t entirely agree with (Emerson +2, for example), but on the whole I’m loving it. I should note that I only TR workouts indoors on the trainer as I like my outdoor rides to be fun and unstructured, so I’m probably an easier use case.

Here are my progressions at a 361 FTP:

The only zones I really care about a Sweet Spot, Threshold and VO2max. So yeah, I could get Endurance and Tempo much higher, but there’s really no reason to for me.

There’s a known issue in the adaptations that when you get to 10 at SS (and presumably other zones), the AT doesn’t really know what to do with it. I figure I’ll just manually nudge up my FTP by 5W after my next rest week. I don’t bother with the ramp test. If I did the ramp test I would get something like 330, which would really make my SS level look ridiculous. I think AT is already diminishing the relevance of FTP.

It’s been great to have a much more sensible progression through VO2max for me.

I also love planning the time off. Figuring out what to do after a vacation or being sick has always been tricky.

So yeah, I’m a happy AT beta tester!


Hey y’all, here’s a question. I just got added in to Adapative Training (nice!) and I’m unsure of the best way forward.

Context - I’m primarily a swimmer, but I do 2x bike workouts a week (Mon & Fri). I have no cycling events I’m working towards, I just enjoy building my fitness on the trainer on days when it’s not easy to get to the pool. I was going to just use ‘TrainNow’ to choose the workout each time I jump on the bike. But Adapative Training recommended I use Plan Builder - so I did - but there is no option to choose 2 days a week (the minimum I could choose was 3 days a week).

So what should I do - should I choose a 3 day a week plan using Plan Builder but just do my 2x planned rides (ignoring 1 ride a week) and allow it to adapt for a missed workout every week? Or should I just use TrainNow? And now that I’m a part of Adaptive Training, is there even a difference?

Thanks in advance! Apologies if this has been answered before but, you know… hard to go back and read the first 3558 messages!

Another option would be to add a triathlon plan (some of them are two rides/week) and ignore the suggested swims/runs.


Hey all,
I was recently added to the beta for AT and I’m excited to move forward. In my TR app (both mobile and desktop) it says adaptations are pending (it has for a few days now). When I click on my workouts it brings up a menu asking if I want to adapt my workouts.
AT is suggesting I start with all easier workouts since my progression levels are all at 1.0 (since I haven’t seen or worked with levels at all). But I like the harder versions better considering my A race is only a few weeks away and I’m finishing preparing.
Does anyone know what happens if I click “don’t adapt my plan”? I dont’ want to permanently remove AT or the progression, but I don’t want to start at such relatively easy workouts either. Let me know what you think I should do to move forward without crashing the matrix. Cheers!

Choosing “Don’t adapt…” will just skip that action for now, until you complete a workout or make some other significant change to your Plan Builder (by adding, changing or removing events, or adding defined time off via annotation). It is not a permanent switch, so don’t worry.

Do the workout you want, it will adjust your Progression Levels upon completion, which usually leads to another trigger for AT to look for and suggest adaptations.


If you chose not to adapt your plan, and you do your threshold workout @5.1, it will adjust your progression up and will ask again to adapt your plan showing recommendations for the other workouts on different energy levels, you can deny the recommendations again if you want to work at the level originally prescribed.
Other way is to accept adaptations and then each time you can chosee to do an alternate workout with a higher level.


Thanks Chad! I will click don’t adapt and go through my week next week to see how it goes. I had to drop my FTP after my vaccine shots, so at a lower FTP I know those harder workouts are doable. Cheers!

I like the look of the non adapted workouts, so I will try those. But I will keep in mind the alternates if I do accept a lower progression level in the future. Thanks!

Did you feel the workouts harder after getting vaccinated? today will be my first workout after getting my first shot on Wednesday.
I do not feel any more tired or weak.

If you haven’t seen it, there is a great thread with full discussion of all variants and experiences:


I’m a bit of an outlier when it comes to the vax (check the vaccine and training thread :stuck_out_tongue: )
I had my first one in April and second one in May. After the first one I was exhausted for a week and then developed a full-body rash that lasted a week. My workout numbers were low from the first one and through the second shot.
Workouts were really, really difficult and instead of feeling ready to tackle them, they were a chore, hence my FTP reduction in the short term. Only last week did I really feel as though the fatigue was gone, but then I was at the end of a block (which included the shot) and moving towards a recovery week, so I was tired again. This week is a recovery week and I’m taking three days off to fully reset.
But to answer your question-yes, it impacted my workouts for about six weeks total :frowning:

Not to derail the thread, but after the first one, I was basically 100%. I felt more dehydrated than usual for the week after, but was able to carry on with training as planned. The second shot, however, really knocked me out. I skipped a full day of training to lounge on the couch and rest up. No changes to my training after that day though. For reference, I had Pfizer.