Thanks Chad, I catch what your saying regarding PLs.
What I’m trying to workout is how/if AT will adjust if I got out for an all day mountain session and I’m scheduled for a training session the next day. I don’t have any means of measuring power on the MTB.
Not always as committed to turbo time during the good weather but trying to I find how outdoor fun blends with indoor training using AT.
As of now, it doesn’t sound like they have that covered or planned. Maybe there is some consideration hiding in there for TSS and “surprise” work like you describe, but I’ve not heard anything related to it.
Short story, you probably still have to adapt your plan manually if you deviate significantly from what is on your calendar.
What I’d do here is use the Alternates function to select a shorter or more achievable workout. Or push the workout to the next day, and do a TrainNow ride (which would probably be a recovery ride in this case).
In the words from Great Britain’s PMs during Question Time: “I refer the right honorable gentlemen to the answer previously given.” Please do not state that structured workouts on a Garmin synced via Garmin Connect work. Five days ago TR confirmed that they do not work consistently, and nowhere have I seen anything from TR stating it has indeed been resolved. Individuals may be having some luck with this, but some of us are not and it is acknowledged as a TR issue. Stating that this is working adds confusion to this already complicated and confusing way of supporting end users by having folks wade through extensive threads on this forum. (And yes, I’m a bit ornery on this).
I’m well aware of the current inconsistencies re: Garmin. I also don’t have a ton of time to list each and every exception in all instances when dealing with issues like this. Free help is what you pay for, so I apologize for not rehashing the minutia each and every response I offer. Having to repeat it over and over with each new entrance of testers gets a bit taxing at times, so I fall short on occasion.
@mcneese.chad Sorry that my frustration with TR may have filtered over onto you. I am very appreciative of the amount of time and energy you spend here, and we’ve had great discussions here and offline.
My frustration threefold: First, AT has been overpromoted and continues to be by TR based on what actually is available and working. Second, the model for supporting AT has some big gaps (and I know you’ve expressed your frustration with that and how you’ve attempted to help TR make things better). Third is that many of us, including you, have tried hard to get clear info from TR and seeing statements that something is working when TR has acknowledged that is isn’t leads me to try to offer the best info I have to others who may be as confused as some of us about what actually works in AT (which, IMHO, is a whole lot less that in implied or actually stated by TR).
I tried to add a little levity to making my point, but that obviously didn’t work. Again, my apologies.
Any chance of an update on when beta AT might be available to those of us training indoors (for which beta AT seems to have been working for months) and who couldn’t care less about what head units people use for outside workouts?
We have a big bit of code coming in right now that’s in testing. We want that to go out and have a few days in production to confirm that there aren’t any big bugs.
As soon as that’s stable, we’ll move AT to early access which means anyone can turn it on themselves via our website.
Soonest would be like a week. The latest would be like 1 year
I joke about the year but as those in software know, you never know how long an unknown bug will take to fix
Thanks again Nate. If it’s not ready for general early access next week, then just those who have been sitting (sometimes patiently) in the beta waiting room since 25 Feb would be fine by me
I understand this is the current functionality, but I think it likely should have something to do with AT eventually.
Say I do something stupid and go way off plan and do 4 300 TSS rides in 4 days - AT should be able to detect this and adjust accordingly. It already has functionality to address forced time off (travel, injury, whatever), and completely ignoring the non-structure is a limiter
Now, as to whether it does this by using TSS or starting to properly review unstructured outside rides is immaterial to me. I think they could likely get there faster by looking at TSS than not adjusting to these types of situations until they can fully process unstructured work.
Question about levels/adaptations. Following my first ramp test in the AT beta, I was given a sweetspot level of 8.7. I then dramatically failed my first workout (a SS 8.8). The proposed adaptation changed the next SS workout to a 5.8, which seems great. However this is now marked as Achievable as my SS level is still 8.7. Will levels adapt at a later date or after more workouts?
Might not matter (since you did get a reduction via AT on the following workout), but out of curiosity, what was your reason you selected when answering the “Struggle” survey?
This may depend on how well you follow that workout (Pass vs Struggle) and the answer to the related survey. Depending on your rating for a Pass, it might lead to a drop in the related PL. And a repeated Struggle might do the same or more depending on the reason.
Generally speaking, I have only really heard of notable PL drops over time, via lack of doing workouts related to that Level.
Sadly, I don’t think we have seen many examples, so hopefully a TR rep can fill in the questions better.
No doubt this question has been answered but 4000 posts is a lot to search through. I was added to AT last week, tamp test was today so my next scheduled workout is Friday (low volume). Is there a way to move that workout to tomorrow and still have it affect my progression levels etc? Or would rescheduling it screw up my plan builder plan in a way that I don’t get credit for it?
There are other methods that people use for directly shifting the workouts however, what I’ve been doing if I need to do similar is add the workout via the normal search method. It’ll then give you the credit for PL etc and adjust your future workouts. That way I can leave the planned workouts and their links etc.
It leaves you with a TSS score on TR that is not complete, but intervals ICU just ignores the workouts missed.
Others have different/better ways perhaps. If you are doing it today you can probably just shift it as you don’t want tomorrow to be an adapted version of the same anyway, but I don’t know exactly how that works and I prefer to leave the plan as is for AT to adapt.