🎉🎉🎉 Introducing Outside Workouts! 🎉🎉🎉

@Nate_Pearson last week Wahoo emailed out and said they are forming new partnerships with 3rd part apps and trainerroad was one of them. Are you able to elaborate on this information and if this future functionality is in the plan?


Very cool, good work guys! I don’t anticipate using this feature a lot, because I try to be really efficient with my bike time. But for those Saturdays when it’s just killing me to go ride outside, or when I just can’t spend another evening in my basement on the turbo, this is going to be AMAZING. Cant wait to try this out!

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This is the best, well nearly. We desperately need this integrated with Wahoo. Please guys make this a priority.

I moved flat in Jan and simply couldn’t workout indoors because of the noise - paper thin floors - so I’ve been messing around outside myself. This is perfect for me until I move again but having it integrated with the head unit is so much better. Sufferfest have it, you guys are just as talented if not more so IMO so please get it to us fast. I will re-sub to try this without integration and see how I get on with it.



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FWIW, I did go away and try this with VoiceOver on iOS but had a few issues commencing the workout: I couldn’t move the virtual cursor over the control to start :cry:

Probably something like Paris-Roubaix…!

Oh yes! For a little while I was getting twitchy about staying indoors while the sun was shining. I knew I was getting the structure I needed so I’d always opt for a trainer ride. Now I can choose happy in the knowledge I’m getting solid structure either way. YES TrainerRoad!

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Is there a particular reason that workouts like Cheaha or Bays get converted to the same workout as a ride like Pettit? It makes sense that most aerobic endurance rides would end up as the same outside version, however why would the sprints in these workouts get dropped? There might be instructions like “70 mins between 60-70% with three 20 second sprints spaced at least 10 mins apart.”

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Not to open the FTP can of worms, but…I feel like there’s a significant (somewhere around 5-15%) difference in my FTP indoors vs. outdoors. It would be nice if we could have a setting that, for example, if I put in +8% as my Outdoor FTP vs. Indoor, then when switching to Outdoor rides it adds 8% to my power targets. Just a thought.


I’ve it a Polar 460 head unit, and using Polar Flow I can recreate the workout to use outdoors. Today instead of Bashful+6 I did 15 X 90 sec at an average of 122% FTP with 5 mins between each 5 efforts .
Will see if the new summaries allow me to make the workouts easier to recreate. Thanks TR.

awesome idea @Nate_Pearson, you always come up with great ideas to make an excellent product even better! #chapeau!

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Nice to see improvements to the system but I think there were other priorities to be tackled. It will be really hard to get people using the new workouts without head unit integration.

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I am so glad this is here. thanks for the work! although I understand the shouts for head-unit integration I feel that I can certainly remember the instructions long enough :wink:

I can’t help but sense that some of the outside versions are easier than their inside couterpart.

e.g. “recovery week” next:

  • Gibraltar replacement is 3x15min RPE6 plus some endurance for 2h total
  • Fang Mountain is 5x8min RPE8

others with the same feeling? is it nothing to worry about?

Always good to see new features. However for me the difficulty with doing the rides outside was never what to do - most of the workouts fairly simple ‘x sets of y mins at this power’… to me the problem was and always will be the extra time to do the rides outside and finding suitable roads/route to don the intervals on. However extra guidance never a bad thing for those you can’t wait to get outdoors (due to family constraints I pretty much only ride outdoors for races).

I’ll just patiently wait for what you have to say after your visit to the Garmin Connect IQ conference?


This. IS. AMAZING! So stoked to see where you guys are taking this. I hope this gets the press it deserves when you do full launch.

For a kind of hack to this, I’ve been using Power Gauge on the Garmin Iq apps. It allows you to enter your own zones and gives a graphical gauge display which makes it a bit easier to track say 10minutes at Sweet Spot than trying to follow just staring at your watts.


“Palisade” seems to have fallen between the cracks.
Appears in 7 different plans but doesn’t have an outside alternative



If you look at the poll we did earlier, 75% of people thought this was useful and 25% thought it was not. We would have skipped this step if the numbers were flipped.

  • Don’t you know that really is a 4-letter word (the bad kind) in developing? :stuck_out_tongue: