Its a sad day to be an American

Ahh well yeah that too. It’s amazing that so much can be going on that an angry mob outside the capitol chanting “Hang Mike Pence” gets drowned out.

Calling all traitors to go back for a redo of the coup attempt on January 6
I have the feeling many will not have the same lucky results (not charged) as last time.

Your right. When was the trial that they were proven false? Oh yeah, that’s because there hasn’t been one. Refusing to look at evidence is not the same as proving it false.

Didn’t multiple state judges already deem there wasn’t enough evidence, to, you know, go to trial in the first place?

So which is it, the leftist media, or the republican judges?


In order to have a trial, they need to provide evidence.
They could provide evidence.
But they haven’t.
They only have “affidavits” that say in vague terms, i may have seen something…
Yet when you look, there is nothing there.

BARR, the same guy who has bend over backwards to defend trump…He even claimed before the election that he though there were going to be fraud.
have said there is no evidence of fraud.

But hey…keep living in fantasy world.


No I would not. The people that broke into the Capitol building are nuts! My guess is they were living in their own echo chamber.

If you look closely the cases were refused because of standing, not lack of evidence.

The people that broke into the Capitol building are traitors!

I fixed again.

Nuts is going 50mph downhill on a bicycle.
Storming the capitol to overthrown the government is something else.


No…truth is truth.

Assertions must be backed up with provable facts…when done, they become truths.

Allow me to give you an example:

  • An assertion was made that has said things that were designed to instigate violence.
  • Facts were provided (in the form of actual quotes from the President) showing how he has used violent rhetoric and even called for outright violence.
  • Therefore, it is a truth that the President has said designed to encourage or instigate violence.

See how that works?


Some have true.
So, they can’t find people with standing and try again?
I mean, it is NOT rocket science (Although for them it may be, many of them reject science after all)

Heck, with that kind of “logic”, you could prove anyone guilty of anything.

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That may be true of some. But lots were dropped due to lack of evidence. For example, affidavits that people later repealed, affidavits with no names or contact info, hearsay, and simple suspicion with no backing. If there was actual evidence of widespread election fraud then it would not be hard to find someone with standing to bring a lawsuit.


This also is wrong…there are multiple cases where, once inside a courtroom, the Trunmp Campaign lawyers had to remove their claims of fraud, ebcause there was no evidence.

In three separate lawsuits in Pennsylvania and cases in Arizona and Nevada, Trump’s lawyers have jettisoned sweeping claims of fraud, instead focusing on relatively small-bore complaints.

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Please cite your sources that Trump did not say those things…we’ll wait.

It is pretty clear you are not engaging in a good faith discussion, so I see no reason to continue responding to you assertions.

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How exactly do I prove someone didn’t say something?

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Looks like you might need to say it again…

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You know how the US system works, right?!

INOCENT till proven GUILTY.
The state has to prove beyond reasonable doubt the person committed a crime.
That the reason (or one of them) so many LE claim they felt afraid… that gives them probably cause to fire 10 rounds when someone flees the scene, or when someone reaches for they wallet.
Using the that, there is no election fraud, unless they bring evidence, and they have failed.

At some point we all put faith into the news we consume. There is not, to my knowledge, a completely perfect and un-biased news source. So the same argument is easily made for right leaning political news media. It’s always the same, point against Trump, what-about and strawmans. Come on. So where did your world view come from? It wasn’t shaped with the media you choose to consume?

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Did Trump say those statements quoted…yes or no?

Simple question.

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Well, you have been shown evidence… and you keep rejecting it because you dont like it… so its on you

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