Join Adaptive Training?

@Omar_Kreidieh the new plans are improved IMO. I reviewed one such plan here**. So if you struggled a little bit before you should definitely consider giving the new plans a go. A lot of very difficult workouts now might have an extra 60 seconds of break between intervals or a 30 second slow roll in the middle of the interval. Small changes that make a big difference.

In terms of Adaptive Training you should read some of the adaptive training threads on this forum to get a feel. I have elected to wait on AT for several reasons:

1.) I don’t think I’d make a very good beta user. :smiley: I’ve got enough trouble just making my training work on software that doesn’t have bugs. I probably wouldn’t deal with SW that doesn’t work in a very constructive way. TR doesn’t need that headache.

2.) I need to move workouts around from time to time. AT doesn’t handle that well.

3.) I like to ride outdoors from time to time instead of doing an outdoor workout. So, alley cat races, group rides, or chasing segments. Those are intense workouts that AT maybe doesn’t handle so well.

Are these issues that would bother you? If so, maybe it’s better to wait…

** Reviewing the new TR plan...rolling road race