Everything below this intro graf is cut and paste from Garage Gym Reviews. Note the comment about the rower being more lower body; for me I think I’d look for the bike or some more focused strength work for lower body and take the CV and upper body benefits of the skierg as complementary to that… YMMV.
Concept 2 Rower Vs. Concept 2 SkiErg
If you find yourself in a position to fill out your gym space with a piece of conditioning equipment, it’s likely the Concept 2 Model D Rower will come to mind, but Concept 2’s relatively new piece of equipment the SkiErg should not go overlooked.
It’s important to remember that both of these machines are fantastic pieces of gym equipment and I would recommend having at least one of them in your routine. But, if it comes down to one or the other, here are some things I would think about.
Overall it is going to come down to personal preference, having said that, my personal preference would be the Concept 2 SkiErg.
One of the great things about the Concept 2 SkiErg is that it’s always ready. It’s standing straight up or attached to a wall ready to be jumped on and start skiing. Compared to the rower that will cause a training session to lose time by having to not only adjust, but also strap your feet in to the machine.
Another aspect I like about the Concept 2 SkiErg is that the machine is great for shorter interval/sprint training. Granted, the Concept 2 Rower can be used for this as well, but again it comes down to accessibility and the SkiErg is always upright and ready to go.
The Concept 2 SkiErg also offers a trainer to choose the variation of how a person rows. With the SkiErg you can pull both arms simultaneously or together, depending on what you are training for. Compared to the Rower, a single chain/single pull machine.
The Concept 2 Rower has really been the rower of choice since its original debut in 1981, and has used the same skeleton model ever since. A very solid piece of equipment that will almost last as long as you do.
The Concept 2 Rower is used for sprint intervals as well, and when people work towards a 10k row, the choice is to strap themselves in and sit down on the rower.
Without a doubt, using a Concept 2 Rower results in a great upper and lower body workout. Rowing machines will work the rhomboids in your shoulders, trapezius in the upper back, lats, biceps, and pecs as well. It also involves the quads in the upper front of the thighs, as well as the calves and glutes.
This full-body accomplishment happens without having to put a lot of focus on the motion of your rowing. With the Concept 2 SkiErg, the machine offers a full-body workout as well with emphasis on the upper-body, while the rower has a little more emphasis on the lower-body.
Again, it comes down to personal preference. The Concept 2 Rower is definitely the more popular machine and has been used in a more variety of ways in the fitness community than the SkiErg.
With that in mind, I would still choose the Concept 2 SkiErg over the Concept 2 Rower.