Let's see your paincave!

I bought that rack after seeing yours. :joy: I dig it.

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After yesterday days disappointing Ramp which is 60w below my 57 minute TT (for 90% tempo HR so arguably the difference could be more, the Strava estimate is an 80w difference :hushed:). I decided to look at my indoor set up and orded a 4x 5m extension lead so I could add my small fans. It was the wrong type workout tonight to say for certain but it felt a lot better, although I may move one too my left as bizarrely it’s my left face cheek that overheats :thinking:

Turbo Set Up


Quite a few changes since I originally posted.

Got rid of KICKR/Climb combo and inceptioned the wife into getting the KICKR Bike back in November. Took a few rides getting used to but quite happy with it now.

And today, one more update. Took delivery of a Woodway. With the recent Peloton recall the Tread+ will be going back soon.

Bike is going back in the room between the two treadmills without shelf/tv until Tread is picked up. No set date as of now.


Your left cheek is against the wall whereas your right appears to get fresh air from the door. Makes sense to me that your left is hotter given the tight space you have to work with.

If I may be so bold as to make a few recommendations.

  • Get a Lasko blower or equivalent. Those things really move some air. Put it on the table instead of the white stand up fan.
  • Consider mounting your extension cords on the wall and running the cords in (plastic / removable) conduits. I’d be concerned with sweating on electricity, especially the green extension cord.
  • If not already done, replace any incandescent light bulbs with CFL or LED. Incandescent bulbs generate a lot of excess heat that you don’t need, unless you’re specifically heat training all the time.
  • Carefully examine air flow through the space. It looks like you have two doors at the front and one at the rear. Do you bike with these all open? The fan at your back may actually be impeding air flow through the space. I’d try to setup flow of fresh air from the front to the back and out. Maybe mount the fan at the back above you blowing straight down, such that there are no opposing flow paths.

It’s a rented apartment so I’m limited on what I can do. I have a door in to the front of me to my living room. I had been keeping it shut to control the noise but I decided last night to keep it open. The door immediately to my right goes straight to my shower room and I keep that open and set back one of the fans by a few inches in there (you might see it peeking out). There’s a door immediately right of the gym fan but that is just to a cupboard which has the boiler and its kept shut. Behind the fan there’s another door which goes straight to a very small vestibule and the front door to shared stairway. Its kept shut also and my other bike during w/o is stored upright in the vestibule

You must centre the bike in the hallway before posting another picture :grimacing:

And the laptop.

The fans, I don’t mind. The bike off centre is like fingernails down a blackboard. :joy_cat::crying_cat_face:


Its off centered to maximise the pedestal fan in my face so its not blocked by the lap top. I know what you mean though :joy: :+1:


No really, do this. Its not that they are a stronger fan, the way it is delivered is 1000x more effective. Super soaker vs old school squirt gun difference. $70 on amazon changed my FTP from not over heating by more than half a year of training.


100% agree… i got the ‘cardio version’ with the wireless 3 speed remote… its a night and day difference, anything that isnt the vacmaster/cleva/wahoo fan is a distant second


My only issue with the Lasko blower fans is that there is no way to clean them, and I’m pretty allergic to dust. So if I don’t really clean my fan blades, I ended up with a runny nose the entire time. Having 2 dogs doesn’t help this problem, even though they aren’t allowed in the paincave.

It’s around 20° in there, hotter outside so perhaps the insulation is helping.

Reorganised the fans, used a loft board across the power cage safety bars to mount the floor fan.

Still dripping sweat though.


Maybe some blinds or something to block out the sun coming in so much would cool it down?

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Pain cave improvements complete. After freezing cold mornings/evenings during the winter air con is installed and insulation fitted between the rafters and boarded out.



Nice jersey collection. La Vie Claire would look good next to the Team Zed :grimacing:

Nice new setup.

What is the cord velcroed to your frame?

Lol. That is my ghetto shifter. The bike is a Chinese open mold that has a crack in the seat tube. It’s not huge but I don’t feel safe to ride it on the road. So it’s a trainer bike. The groupset went to another bike so I built this with minimal spare parts to get it running. The RD and shifter came from my old commuter bike. As you can see, the bar tape is the excess from previous wraps. The normal shifters aren’t hooked up to anything, just there to feel normal. And yes, it does shift. Pretty well actually. Started with just a spare piece of shifter cable tightened to hold the RD in one gear, but this shifter allows me to use the barrel adjuster to align the RD better. And I just used velcro to get it out the way mainly.

What’s the old saying? It ain’t stupid if it works.


This is the paincave of my brother. The set-up is a bit rough but nothing compared to the bike.


That bike is in pain :face_with_head_bandage:


Add a chicken and that’s the indoor training setup Rocky Balboa would have.


This post needs somber music playing in the background, and a follow up post with brighter music when the bike has been released, serviced and allowed to roam free again.