It’s from a kit, built from about a dozen pannels put together. Then I insulated it and boarded out the walls and had electric run from the main house.
I pretty much only use the Trainer in the winter months and early morning, It tends to be around 0c-10c when i’m training so no need for air con. I always train with the Door open which keeps the humidity down especially with the fans running, I have trained in here for 3 winters and had no problems.
As of 18 months ago It has also been my home office turning the work bench into an office desk.
Here are a couple of wide angle shots you can get an idea of the whole thing.
No it works fine in an upright position too, it’s a large 20” fan and not particularly directional so it has a fairly good spread.
I do also have a small fan on the floor directly under me blowing up.
After a lot of hard work this weekend, this is what we’re looking at. The room is 1 half den/workspace, one half workout space. I have a fan on order for the trainer side, in the meantime, I will just move the fan. Run TR or zwift on my phone, use the tablet for watching youtube or whatever. I think I’m going to trade out the rug and mat for a giant gym mat, and then move that rug to the other side of the room, the den side.
@Dmortimer11 What bikerack is this? Looks kind of useful to stack two bikes like that. I guess it‘s mounted to the wall on the top, and just standing on the floor? Thanks and cheers!
I think it’s called the Michelangelo rack, there is a strap anchor on top, which I have not screwed to the wall. It is stable without, the strap would be to keep you from pulling it down onto yourself.
I think the building is 1300 feet per floor, 1/2 is the bike shop on the first level and 1/2 is a car garage. Second floor is a mother-in-law apartment. Yes, it’s a luxury and I’m blessed to have this at age 61. Sacrificed many many years.
Lasko blower - game changer!!! can’t recommend this enough
Rocker plate (DIY or purchased)
Art / motivation, including a place to hang your medals
Storage for your stuff (shoes, jerseys, nutrition, fuel, etc)
Mini fridge for post-workout goodies
Ceiling fan for overall air circulation
Floor mats for weights, high traffic areas
100% recommend the one with the remote… 3 different speeds, absolutely worth the slightly extra cost. When you factor in the non-remote version + the remote socket youll need anyway its a no brainer. Probably moves too much air for me in an uninsulated standalone garage in Scotland this time of year, but in the summer it makes a massive difference