Major difference in power between Wahoo Kickr and Garmin Vectors - please help!

Not the case at all. Powermatch adds another variable in the loop between TR, Wahoo and Erg. That communication has its flaws and it let me down. I will never us Powermatch for a ramp test again

Power meters and Erg don’t always play nice with each other. Knowing the offset between the 2 power sources can be useful so you don’t have to “hope” powermatch works. At some power levels the two sources (Kickr and Quarq) are spot on and other power levels they drift apart. Also, cadence and gearing (inertia) tends to affect how PM tracks with the Kickr. Below is my experience today playing with cadences matching my Kickr Snap to my Quarq;

Then when I keep my cadence 100+ the entire workout my Kickr Snap and Quarq are nearly identical: