Masters Plans and More Launched Today! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

Cod liver oil

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Great update.
Is there anything you can do with e-mtb rides?
The training stress on the climbs should be a lot lower than on a normal bike, yet the increased volume on descents increases the intensity.
I keep these rides separate to my plan but they will obviously impact the red/green light profile you explained. It would be useful to understand if you have any data to determine if ebike rides over or under state training stress and what this would mean in terms of impact on TR scheduled workouts.

This is Brilliant!!

The plans make instant sense to me in their nature, patterning and progression.
I’ve been with TR for years now, but had difficulty following a training plan. Every time I completed a week I would get sick. As you rightly say, that indicates a problem with recovery. For me it was a medical issue which was effecting my immune system. This year I got advice on how to compensate that (high dose vit D) and I also changed my job focus. My working day is far less physical, as I am spending more time training and supporting staff, rather than carrying out the direct therapy all day long.
So this Autumn I finally got to SS base low V1 and begin 2. It was so doable and enjoyable for me and I could see my body shape start to change to meet training demands.
Then I had scheduled surgery, which I hoped would just be a 3 week recovery, but could well be 6 before I can do intervals. I anticipate coming back stronger than before as endocrine issues should be resolved. But it’s great to know there is that Masters toggle. It feels like it’s a resilience toggle. A “things are tough right now, but I want to keep going in a way which will fit in with my life and make me stronger”. I shall consider it a “The Toggle of Honour”, should I ever need to use it.


I know you won’t be able to give a precise date… but running support, is that like imminent or a few months off??

I need to set a new training plan, I want to have a go at the new Masters plans (it basically reflects how I was using TR anyway), but I also want to do a running plan… I might just go ahead and schedule it as it currently is.


I’ve also experienced this Intensity adjustment problem, I don’t adjust intensity often but when I need to it does not work smoothly

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Hi @ZackeryWeimer , any update on if a root cause was found or if a fix is coming on this?

I think the easier way is to just hit extend cooldown, then hold down the intesnity button to your desired wattage. Should take 10 seconds at most. Maybe 5 seconds.


You can adjust them! Just click on the block name on the calendar (upper left hand corner)


We’re going to be adding different work/rest ratios. Right now they are all 3:1, but we’re going to add 2:1 and 1:1.

For triathlon, we don’t think we can drop workouts in the rest week since you do so few anyways. But we think the way forward is to change the work rest period to either 2:1 or 1:1 depending on the athlete.

So for you, you could add a “time off” week every third week. That would pusht he workouts out. But then you’d run into a recovery week, and have to do the workouts for the next week that week. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

That’s a lot of work and a bit confusion. So we shoudl work on teh work/recovery ratio.

We’ll also add this to our existing cycling plans as a choice.


I will try to time it the next time I do it, but since many workouts end at 30-40% of FTP, getting back into a middle Endurance power level is often around 180-220% Intensity setting for me. From memory, that may take longer than 10 seconds but I have never timed it to have strong confidence in that estimate.


You can either get a crank/pedal based power meter or just wear a HR strap.

If you have a crank/pedal based power meter, it will give you accurate power since it’s before the drive train.

We also have a machine learning feature that estimates your TSS based on HR. We did this by training tons (not sure if it’s hundreds of thousands or millions) of rides that had HR and Power so that we could have machine learning figure out the relationship.

It’s not as accurate as straight power because HR is impacted by so many things, but it does work pretty well.

LIke factoring in run stress in RLGL? It’s actively being worked on, but we have to make sure we get the algorithm or ML correctly for it.

But I’m thinking months of time to get it done, but hopefully before my update in 3 months.

There are a lot of different tablets and phones this simply doesn’t work on. If I hold down the intensity button for just two seconds it freezes and won’t stop adjusting before approaching 200%.

on no, what phone/OS? We can fix this.

it’s not just the cooldown. It’s the warmup too, which for TR workouts is usually 4-5 intervals.

Now I’m using a Galaxy Tab A7 Lite, so Android.

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It sounds like the team is still working on this one – but for the moment, if you go back into your block reset the durations for every day (i.e., Mon/Tues/Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat/Sun) to your desired duration, the settings should successfully reapply.

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Plus you have had to go through a cooldown that you don’t need at that point


Yeah, I tend to start bumping the intensity right away in the CD and get to whatever my %FTP goal is (usually around 65%) for manual extensions. Then I end up bumping the Intensity button about 3-5 times and wait 5-10 seconds for the ramp down to drop a bit… and repeat until I get to the end of the workout, all with the basic goal of getting close to my target wattage.

It’s a bit of a hassle if I’m honest, but I live with it since that’s the tool we have. My only experience with extended pressing of the Intensity button happens once I finally decide to end my workout and roll back to the original power target for 1-3 minutes of my actual Cool Down. That’s where I expect it might be longer than 10 seconds to drop from my common 220% Intensity to the original 100%.

There is supposed to be a sort of acceleration the longer you hold it, but it doesn’t seem to do that from what I have experienced on PC at least.

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I have the problem as described with a Samsung S2 Tab running Android 9 which is unusable for intensity changes. You can do single changes, but if you do a long press it does nothing for awhile and when it starts it will just keep going and going.

It’s getting a bit old in the tooth to be fair, but other apps work fine on it and i wouldn’t expect the demands of TR are particularly high