McAdie +1 - SSBI, How was it for you?

We had a McAdie support group on here a while back!

I’ve got it scheduled this week. I remember last time I did it it was pretty dirty and that was with a 15w lower FTP, so it’s going to be pretty grim this time round if last time is anything to go by.


After finding this post, I’m feeling a little bit less gutted than I was when i bailed out on the 3rd interval this morning. I’d been finding this SSBMV1 quite manageable up to this point thinking my FTP was bound to increase on the next test. Now I’m feeling the total opposite… :frowning_face:

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Pick the most powerful music’s to inspire you during those tuff minutes. I wasn’t prepared but imeddiatly realized I nedded an extra music motivation rotating between the 3 most powerful music’s I had in the playlist that day and leaving the rest of the playlist only for the recovery intervals.

Powefull music really loud makes me going even when I seem to be on the edge. Also giving one or two screams of satisfaction/victory at the end of each set pumped some adrenalin to the system and helped a bit, at least I want to consider it helped :smiley:


Did McAdie+1 yesterday and was kind of dreading it as I hadn’t done it since 2017 (did HV base last year which is all about SS, so no over-unders) and now have a 40w higher FTP. Anyway, I nailed it and although really tough it was definitely much better than I expected. Mind over matter for this one I think. If only the same could be said for Mary Austin…


Was there any need for that? Everybody is different. How @slowmart’s body reacts to the training stimulus doesn’t need to be ‘called out’.


The workout in question was at the end of SSBB1MV followed by a rest week and then a ramp test where my FTP was 190.

I’ve just completed Kaweah (Saturday) and Geiger 2 today which were a whole lot harder.

As for effort and relation to FTP, I know I’m crap but at least I know :wink:

Did it yesterday, I thought it was hard, but not too hard to not finish.

I use a dumb trainer so no erg mode, that makes it tough to match cadence and power all the time. But just grind it out. I have another tough one with higher tss today, so we’ll see how the legs feel.

Oh lordy. Just did the regular and yeah it was hard. (3rd week of ssb1 mv)
Didn’t do the aero or out the saddle instructions, just worked on cadence the whole time. It was interesting to see the heart rate creep up and not recover as well over the different intervals. Started the threshold intervals at around 158 bpm avg to creep up to 166/164.

Having the threshold intervals be longer will be quite interesting and challenging


Open question: what effect does more/less carbs have (if any) on lactate production and clearing? :man_shrugging:

Did it y’day and held the aero intervals, which I was surprised at. Think I’m due a little ftp bump to bring me down to mcaddie earth!

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I did it with an FTP increase by 10W - it slaughters you but I’m proud of myself for doing it. What kept me going was one piece of text from the coach where it says you will feel like giving up etc etc but you don’t need to’ I just kept saying that to myself


The answer to all performance related questions and challenges with @Nate_Pearson on the podcast includes More Carbs! Load before, take more on the bike!

They are also delicious and make me happy so all systems work better.

I guess I don’t need to know why :sweat_smile:


Agreed, following Nate’s advice on the pod I started really fueling up for my Threshold workouts and it has done wonders for completion and even RPE.

Go carbs!


Nothing, but it is helping the carb dependant to become even more carb dependant which is only going to end one way, and that is not well in the long run.

It is more important to look at the outcome required from the training, instead on short term gains and low RPE in sessions IMO.

You seem to be taking the comment @hvvelo made out of context. Here is what he said in full:

He was only pointing that he made sure his glycogen stores were topped up. Hard workouts become a lot harder if your stores are running low.

It could be argued that there’s a time and a place for restricting carbohydrate intake. However, it’s not prior to a hard workout like McAdie +1.


Totally agree. Nobody said anything about restricting Carb intake before a threshold workout. A normal diet is fine.

My comment was about over doing it…

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Not at all. His comment triggered my question and I asked exactly what I wanted to know. :+1:

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Sorry @Captain_Doughnutman, it was an actual open question then. Not tongue in cheek trying to get a reaction. I take it back. :kissing_smiling_eyes:

Wow, I was just aiming for some humor as I really did hog out a bit on my birthday and it was not at all the kind of super high quality whole food carbs often promoted - but damn good and it didn’t hurt! :smiley:

But on a more serious note, I have been eating mostly higher quality carbs and more veg (bit not as much as I’d like) totally unrestricted in quantity, and that has my weight settling in around 3 lbs above my all time low when I wasreally watching and restricting things carefully. And power is around all time high for nearly all of my short and long durations. So for me, I’m aligned with the idea that fuel with quality most of the time and weight will work itself out nicely.

Can you elaborate? I’m curious, I have always heard that the time on the bike is not the time to diet and to go ahead and take all the carbs you need, especially for hard efforts.

I know the benefits to training in a fasted state for aerobic endurance rides, but what is the long term benefit/detriment to “overdoing” carbs during a tough over/under workout?