Mollema: "F@%&$*#* SRAM

Regardless, you handled the situation like a Pro should :wink:


i say the same thing every time i ride my mtb with Eagle :smile:

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This whole thread reminded me of recent GCN video. Is gravel ( DK ) uncool? Or something like that. I think video ended in cheerful note but, they weren’t really getting the point either. It is not uncool because pros do it and its getting all the attention. It is uncool because people who initiated it see it as tainted. They see money flow in. They see sponsorships forming. and you know what happens next… it just becomes orchestrated circus. How you define pro is different for everyone but, if you define it as paid person acting like a sportsman, i see no reason to watch sports. Same as you would not want to spend your time and money to watch someone just do their job. There’s got to be passion there got to be sportsmanship. Guessing 95%+ in this forum are blowing your own money so nobody can tell you what to spend it on or love. but, some comments are just way sad. Just my opinion. See humans as humans. Take a step back. Focus on Exhale with your diaphragm (we all know where this came from) Try to understand and love one another. It’s just humans being humans.


During today’s TdF stage when a Trek-S rider had some mechanical one of the commentators on Eurosport remarked that they had a lot of trouble with the electronic shifting yesterday. One reason/excuse why their performance in the TTT has not been that stellar. Does anyone know more? Can’t find anything.

And a certain SRAM riding team had 3 chain drops in the TTT at the Giro Rosa…

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I think that it is unlikely that the chain drop is specifically related to electronic shifting. With both my Di2 and SRAM electronic groups the front shift is done with the electric motor just pushing until it hits the mechanical stops. So, unless the stops are not adjusted correctly, the chain should not come off in a shift. I have had my Di2 auto shift from large to small chainring when cross-chaining. There was enough sideways force from the cross chaining to derail the chain inward. If I didn’t have a small ring it would have been a drop. I fixed that by changing my chain line (moving the chainrings toward the frame). Only about 1-1.5mm but it stopped the problem and didn’t seem to affect anything else.

This was referred to in the most recent CyclingTips TDF podcast. Apparently SRAM have suggested it’s an issue with the wheel hubs; I’d have to re-listen to get the exact reason. But the CT guys seemed sceptical.

I have to correct my previous post, watched the final kms of the stage again during my morning session. The rider with a mechanical was Tim Wellens (Lotto-Soudal). And the remark of the commentator was more general: “there were many, many problems with the electronic shifting during yesterday’s TTT”.

I know Kelderman form Sunweb team said he couldn’t shift anymore at a certain point in the TTT, but I don’t know by heart if they are on SRAM or Shimano