Motivational quotes to look at during workout

Joking aside, and this is probably a bit maudlin, but my go to quote is the hashtag that was thought up to encapsulate the spirit and endeavour of the late Mike Hall



Two quotes that always make me smile and relax yet still pump me up are:
“Not a game. Not a game
practice. I’m talkin bout practice”
“Life you ain’t first you’re last”

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A guy I ride with keeps an HTFU sticker on his top tube.


If you’re going to hell, you better get used to it.


Do today what people won’t, so tomorrow you can do what they simply can’t.


You got me thinking


Thanks everyone, some interesting ones there!

In situations where things are pushed to the mental and physical edge, I’ve got a gift. I can keep going no matter what. The tougher things get, the better I do. I’m not masochistic about it, because I’ve got a method. Here’s the secret: You can’t block out the pain. You have to embrace it.

  • Tyler Hamilton

Adapted from " The Chase" . I know/knew that feeling when racing or training and it is the feeling I strive for


Anchor your sitbones

So helpful keep me stabilized on the saddle!

“hope is not a strategy”



I know it’s cliche and over played sometimes but I have this exact picture in my gym from ikonic.

What’s interesting to me is that I’m always at a different stage of “yep that’s me today”
 and just know there’s a reason for all of this


Does this mean one man’s success is another man’s Titanic? :man_shrugging: :wink:


A friend who was a nationally ranked HS runner and running coach offered to help me train for a 10k since I had no idea how to properly train.

She gave me interval and fartlek workouts and at the end of each text she’d say “don’t puss out”. Which became #DPO

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Motivational quotes are often cliches, although Oakley had a somewhat inspiring one about 10-12 yeara back with their sponsored triathlete Conrand Stoltz: «When you get hurt and all your sacrifice adds up to nothing
 are you willing to put it all on the line again?»

Beyond thinking of this quote, I find inspiration in writing down my season goals (race results, power numbers, etc.) on a piece of papir and hanging it up next to the trainer, along with bib numbers and other artifacts from races from which I have fond or important memories (DNF’s are particularily powerful as such).


“If you are going through hell, keep going!” (Winston Churchill)

I believe the #bemoremike hashtag/phrase came from his mother.

As an ex climber/mountaineer I like the one about not falling to get to the top of the mountain.

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My screen name classof42 memorializes my birth year so I have different objectives than most at TR. I collect quotes from cyclists from over the years, but for day to day application nothing beats a “memo to self”.

Memo to self:

While conditioning presupposes a choice to invest effort, that effort does not represent conditioning. Conditioning is represented by the return on that effort. If there is no return examine the quality and content of the effort.

Conditioning is an investment aimed at achieving a larger end or objective. As an end in itself, it offers no answer to the question, “Why?” and is almost certainly not sustainable.

The investment from which conditioning issues requires a motive. That motive must be from you, to you, by you, for you. Motives thrust on you by others or adopted through a sense of obligation or sense of guilt are not sustainable.

A choice to invest effort presupposes rejection of a choice to do nothing. Do not entertain the fantasy there’s anything involved besides choice.

Absence of a choice to invest effort presupposes allegiance to a motive to do nothing. Name it.

The return on a choice to invest nothing belongs to you as surely as the return on a choice to invest effort. Avoid being the only person who cannot or will not see that reality.

Conditioning is not a project, it’s a process; it’s not a task, it’s an investment; it’s not an objective, it’s a way of living.

I cannot halt the natural physical deterioration that attends aging and I won’t try. That is not a valid reason for not purposefully diminishing the pace and scope of that deterioration, which I will do. (a.k.a. degrading the rate of degradation!)

I cannot be what I used to be and I won’t try. That is not a valid reason for not being everything I can be, which I will be.


I like this :+1:t2:

Few good ideas here:

I like the general “how bad do you want it?”. Also what gets me going is “one big workout does not win races. A set of many good workouts, struck together in close proximity, does win races”. Reminds to keep it balanced

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