MyVeloFit, Online AI Powered Bike Fit

So I decided to pay for the Pro version to fit my new bike. The company uses is a direct-to-consumer business model but they have a 23-point measurement system when ordering online to get the fit close. I immediately changed out the saddle, though, and the seat post was not installed while shipping so I wanted to get some help.

For $75USD for the Pro version (unlimited uploads, unlimited bikes, one year) I’m impressed. I spent more time relocating my trainer out of my closet “pain cave” to a room with enough space to film than actually doing the fit. Taking and cropping videos on the phone was super easy. The analysis time was fast (1-2 minutes) and the recommendations feel right.

One interesting note (at least for me). I feel more comfortable with my hands about 20-30mm behind the hoods - basically with the middle finger just behind the drops. When I took a video like this it told me to extend the reach. I’ll ride some more on the hoods to see if I get used to it, if not then I’ll get a slightly shorter stem. It could also be that it is optimizing the fit for Comfort and Performance vice just Comfort.

There is one limitation of this service, though, and that is it does not analyze clear position.

Again, overall, for the convenience and expediency of getting fit in my basement in about an hour it was a good investment, at least for me.