MyVeloFit, Online AI Powered Bike Fit

Good deal. So, did you both come to a conclusion on the root cause of the conflicting advice and how to address it?

Jesse knew how to ‘see beyond’ the AI recommendations and use ‘human expertise’ to coach me through the right sequence of adjustments (a series of back and forth via email). Eventually got to a convergence point where his guidance and the AI intersected.

Said differently – your experience may be similar to mine, and the AI may not help get you all the way there 100% on its own. If that’s the case – and you’re willing to extend some grace knowing that you’re benefitting from some emerging tech – layering in the human support that Jesse provides (you have to pay $75 on a per case basis) can definitely get you into the fit window. It’s been a great learning experience for me.

FYI – this is my first time doing bike fit of any kind. If you already know what your key measurements are, I imagine you can have a ton of fun ‘twiddling the knobs’ as the AI provides dynamic measurement vs. static measurement only.

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What did you use to hold the camera to get video? And how hard / easy was it to get the camera setup to get good results?

Much appreciated. I should really make time to take the plunge here and see how it compares to my own fitting experiences.

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I bought this for the cause. Will say it’s the world’s best smartphone holder. (Sure you can find cheaper if you’re seeking value.) Very impressive fit and finish.

Using a modern-era smartphone. You just need to get the camera about 10’ away, give or take. iPhone allows you to zoom out to capture everything in frame.

Their instructions for capturing video are pretty good. It requires a certain amount of diligence and attention to detail. For those who aren’t tech inclined, you might find it a bit too tedious. But it’s total catnip for my personality.


there is this Bike Fast Fit EZ which is USD4.99/yr but only available for ios which i don’t have.

I used my repair stand’s clamp to hold my phone when I did it. Worked well enough.


Great thread. I came across myvelofit and have been wandering whether it’s just a catch for $$$ but seems legit? I’m giving it a go for sure based on above reviews

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Awesome! Please let us know how it goes. :smiley:

I’ve used it on 3 bikes now. Works great for me.


Will do Chad :+1::+1:

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Yeah, I’ve used MyVeloFit for two bikes and it did a great job with both of them. Just a few very minor tweaks here and there, but that’s true with any fit.

This is what the process looks like from one of the fits I did. You shoot the video, upload and process it (it’s easiest if you do it all directly on your phone), then it spits out this view broken down into Top of Pedal Stroke, Bottom of Pedal Stroke, Forward of Pedal Stroke, and Center of Mass. Then you can make adjustments, take new video, and start the process over.

This is a screenshot from the start of the process. You make changes until everything is in the middle green area. Then do whatever final tweaks work once you’re out on the bike, of course.


I made a holder out of Legos. With four boys in the house they are in ample supply. :wink:


I’m close to being ready to do a before vs. after for the group here. I don’t think it’s a cash grab. How close it can help you get a ‘perfect fit’ is TBD. But I wonder if that’s even a thing.

To expand a bit more, after reading Phil Burt’s book, he leaves the distinct impression that bike fit is not static. It varies with flexibility, strength and a host of other factors. That what finally pushed more over the edge to try MVF. Why pay $400+ dollars for a snapshot in time fit if the target moves over time? I decided to start out with $75 and see how close I could get my fit dialed in.

For those who are more attuned to bike fit in general, the standard tools seem really helpful (meaning, you understand the causality of fit adjustments). For those who don’t understand how to correct position, their ‘buy up’ service helps fill the gap.

Definitely not a cash grab. Not sure how I missed this thread since it’s a few years old but @mcneese.chad recommended it a few weeks ago to me in the 1000 plus post thread and it’s the best fitting investment I’ve made. The ability to tweak, ride a few days, tweak some more, etc is exactly what I’ve needed.

Note: I’ve personally been riding for 20 plus years now so having been fit by “professionals” in the past and knowing what feels good might help a little. That said, there is an option for an additional $75 expert fit where a professional rather than AI will take a look at it if you need it.

Such a cool tool

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Tried it. To my dismay $75 wasn’t the final price for me in the Netherlands but a hefty 21% VAT was added which made trying this almost pointless because personal fits are available for around 200 but I was able to bypass the VAT by selecting another country (and there are valid promo codes to even further reduce the price ) making trying this out more interesting.

Below are the recommendations. So I managed to get really close myself already by just filming myself on the trainer from behind and side (and a few tips from members here). Unfortunately raising the handlebar height is impossible without getting a new fork :face_exhaling: something I always knew deep inside and the reason I never got a pro bike fit. Anyway I can still move my cleats backswards another 4-5mm and move the hoods up and back another 8-10mm

(The Bike Fitting Mega-Thread - #1559 by ArHu74)

Can you flip your stem or try one with a different angle? That might do the trick to get your bars up a bit.

nope, proprietary stuff wll I could but it would leave me with an ugly bike

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For those of you who have used this app for a while, what are your thoughts? Curious and thinking about giving the year subscription a shot.

Not me, but here’s one perspective.

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