I heard Nate on the podcast saying that we can join in with his training session. But i cant find how to get a invite, or to join this session?
Invitations and codes to group workouts are usually posted here. Nate also sometimes posts his upcoming workouts on his strava and instagram.
Hi everyone,
I’m looking to give trainerroad a trial, could I have a referral code please
new to trainer road looking to give it a test. anyone with a referral code would be much appreciated.
hi there! brother finally convinced me to try but he`s out of codes now. anyone have an extra code to share?
appreciate it.
Looking to try TrainerRoad. Bringing my own coach, but want to test the interface, etc. A referral code would be much appreciated! Thanks
Looking to try TrainerRoad as well. Referral code would be great!
plz plz can someone send me a ref code here in inbox or on djyazad@gmail
I would like to have a try, so if someone can give me a gift of training I would really be greatful! naishouler@gmail.com
Hi, I’d like to transition from Zwift to something serious, I’d love to try TR out if one of you guys has a code to spare
Thank you !
I have a couple - here’s one Refer a Friend - TrainerRoad
Have fun! Emanuela
Hi Nomyeh, here’s a code Refer a Friend - TrainerRoad
Cheers, Emanuela
Got one from another user, but thanks!
Thanks so much!!
Thank you ! Already done the ramp test, starting a plan monday
Thanks in advance, pls email to sacredgreenplanet@gmail.com
One needed please
Nice! All the best.
Hi, looking to trial TrainerRoads before i sign-up. If anybody can share trial referral code. thanks
@oktay, I sent you a PM with a code. Enjoy!