OLD: TrainerRoad Referral Code, Free Trial Requests & Sharing

Does anyone have a referral code I could check out? Trying to decide between Zwift workouts and these. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

After the Zwift academy i loved to try out trainerroad! Would someone send me a ref Code via pm? thanks in advance!

Snowy from two weeks already. Someone can pm me a code? I would like the free try

Greeting from Siberia!
Wanna try to start new training plan with trainerroad. Send me a code please.
my email - asmaxos26@gmail.com

Good Morningā€¦ indoor season is about to start here in Toronto. Can someone please share a referral codeā€¦I would like to try it first before fully committing. Thank you!

@Artisano here you go.

Enjoy some suffering and speed!

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Hello, Iā€™m switching from other app.
Can someone send me a code?

Hi Iā€™d like to try out TrainerRoad, could someone send me a referral code?

Please anyone got a code, may transition from the Tacx DTA

Thank you

Hello, just picked up a kickr and would love a referral code if someone has one available please?

Hi does anyone have referral code to share? Iā€™d like to have it and try trainerroad.

Here are 2 codes if you still need

Could someone PM me one please (missed Those ^^ two)

Thank you

I was too slow on the draw last night so missed the codes. Could anyone please share some more?
Many thanks

This system of refferal codes is just stupid. Why not enable a trial period per account like any other app out there?
I just cant get a codeā€¦ Every time someone snatch that code before me.

PM sent! :v: :metal:

I have two codes available right now. PM me if you still need one.

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Hi Nelsonsi, can I get one of your codes ?

PM sent

I would also really appreciate a code, please.

Iā€™m trying to find out how to PM someone, canā€™t seem to find the send PM button!