Performance Analytics for Outside Workout: Compare Actual vs Target Power

I have started to do the outside workouts during my commute. The only feature which I would like to change is the step duration in that it doesn’t pause if you stop. Especially since I am doing it during a commute, I find it hard to find a long road where I can do a 10 min sweet spot interval without getting held up somewhere. At least if it paused then I could do the full interval duration.

Thanks for this, I’m not a TP user though, plus I thought TR were trying to add features to tempt users away from TP so hopefully this alone is enough for the functionality to be incorporated into TR.
Been really impressed with the pushing of new features and pace of change, hopefully the increased subscription costs and new staff that have been taken on bring some of the many great feature requests that have been brought up in the forum to life this year.

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Yep, that not appearing on TR is a bummer.

Had something else unexpected come up today too… when I went to Push Taku (30min) to ride outside, it loaded Cloud Peak (60min) instead. Strange.

Strava does a pretty good job of averaging out your power during the laps and displaying it nicely. This one clearly shows my power dropping of on a final section which was a steep downhill.

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Would it be possible to add interval target power to the outdoor workout analysis/summary? How about freezing the top row of the Interval section displaying column headings (online)? Finally, it would be great if the workout graph could be scaled/minimized by selection to give more window space for analyzing the workout.


is it possible to implement a view of the initial Training/Power Target of the workout to see it in the imported TR Outside workout, more or less as an overlay, in the way i can see it in Garmin Connect:

or similar, when i ride them indoor?

so it would be easier to see, if i was on/over/under target power of the workout?


It’s been requested before. I will search and merge this with the existing thread later.

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oh, sorry, i haven’t found, i used search but seems wrong key words to search :face_with_monocle:

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Using outside workouts more recently I feel like it would be nice if you could still see the profile of the power targets that were intended to be hit during your workout once it is completed and uploaded so you can compare it and match it to what you actually did.
I suppose this may be difficult if you paused the workout while riding, extended it in some way etc, I’ll leave that to TR to figure out but it would be nice to visually see how you did at the end compared to what you were shooting for

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In the meantime, if you’re using garmin, you can see something similar on garmin connect


Unfortunately I am using a wahoo so I don’t see that graph. However, for everything else my bolt is great.

TR - Your product is great and the results it has had on my fitness are amazing. A+.

On your podcast you point out how important it is to follow the prescribed workout, especially when training outdoors. I think riders would benefit from getting feedback as to how well they did their homework, so to say.

In light of this I have 2 feature requests:

  1. a % completion or RSME measurement for the prescribed vs actual workout and
  2. a graphical overlay of prescribed & actual workouts.

Thank you for providing a tool for getting stronger and faster at a reasonable price!

I agree with the graphical overlay. @IvyAudrain mentioned on a recent AACCP that people generally don’t follow the TR workout outside precisely, yet TR doesn’t provide the workout overlay for comparison? I assume/hope with v2 outside workouts something will be in the mix :crossed_fingers:.

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I too noticed this comment.

My immediate thought was how great it would be to get some kind of compliance % at the end of the work out.

For me, I train on a wattbike in a public gym - or outside. As I simply don’t have space at home for indoor workouts. So come warmer, drier, brighter weather there’s a high chance Ill be cancelling that gym membership to be completely outside.

However, if I knew my indoor compliance was >90% and my outdoor compliance was <70%, that could easily convince me to stick it out with some more indoor summer rides.

Would really like to see such improvement. Espacially looking back after some time on my outdoor rides I wonder if I hit the mark.
Perhaps also have for the real data then an option to smooth the data for e.g. 30 sec to remove noise and have a clear visual feedback on complaince.

Did a trial a few years back, and as an outside only rider didn’t continue as I just felt trainerroad was pretty lacking in outdoor features and totally not adaptive.
Having seen the recent AI improvement announcements I thought I’d have another look, as the adaptive side certainly seems (on paper) to have improved.
But this issue really bothered me at the time - it’s so easy to fix and yet all this time has passed and it’s the same. I mean it’s literally just grabbing the steps and power targets out of the completed workout from the head unit - which TR already has. Otherwise you have to drop into other platforms or back to Garmin connect to compare.
Ok this is just one detail of the package but had made me think I’ll hold out for a while longer - outdoor riding still not seeming that big a priority if such a small fix takes more than three years……