From what I have worked out by doing the calculations is your Career chart will include your coming week of training and the Calendar calculates the last 6 weeks not including your current week.
Hey everyone, we have a dev looking at this issue as we speak. Keep an eye out for updates. Cheers!
Hey guys,
I wanted to update you all that we pushed out an update for TSS chart and Calendar TSS chart calculations that should bring them in line! Please let me know if you run into any other issues. Cheers!
Awesome! Looks good
Wondering when sliding over x week, if the calculation includes that week’s projected tss or what has been completed the previous week (i.e. where fitness is holding at the start of that week)?
Thanks again for addressing this issue
Sorry, I’m not sure if your question is referring to the moving 6 week average line, or the TSS bar graph of the specified week?
In the case of the moving average, the projected moving average of a future week takes into account the work completed (or projected) for weeks prior. The grey bar graph that turns yellow when you hover over it just indicates the projected TSS of all the planned workouts for that week.
I hope this makes sense!