I LOOOOOOOOVE my Spurcycle bell.
Seems obsolete at this point, but here’s another happy Varia user. It really is that good.
On the bell, I saw this on a friends bike - bell integrated into the Garmin mount, pretty neat, clean looks. Not ear shattering loud, but let’s pedestrians and slower cyclists know you are there.
I saw that mentioned, but I’m not sure I want to be reaching over my bars and under my computer to ring my bell. Especially for my use case going over the Golden Gate Bridge with tourists / wind.
I can only speak to the original, which is what I have on my city bike. The compact has reduced compatibility though, as you’ve found.
@Power13, @preferuphill, and @Quadzilla_Jr,
Thanks for the Spurcycle recommendation. I just got two this week - need to cover both the road and gravel bikes - and am looking forward to my first rides with them. The really crappy Bay Area air quality has kept me on the trainer
I don’t think enough people realize this. The radar is just ant+ broadcast, so if you ride in a group in 2021 there’s increasingly likely chance there’s a varia in the mix and can connect to it. If you’re in ant+ range I’d say the alerts are relevant.
That’s what I have, also cheap so if you wanted you could get a couple so you get lit up like a Xmas tree and chances of both going flat at the same time is unlikely.
It is also really bright in day mode.
I am looking to up my game in the rear light dept. Currently running a Giant brand rear red light with the strap to fasten to my seatpost.
I am very disappointed with the battery life. I can charge it till the cows come home and still only get 3-4 hours. I find that the old style with the watch batteries lasted way longer.
Any shout outs for a good rear light for road and gravel use? I do not need 11 different modes. Looking for something bright with good battery life, and I’d like something that lasts, not keen on replacing it every season.
Thanks all.
I recently asked a similar question, see Recommendations Needed: Rear Light and Bell - #9 by Jowen989 for recommendations
if you don’t mind having the light mount on your seat rail I like the Lucia TheBeam tail light.
was going to say this
I’ve been using the Light & Motion Vis 180 Pro for several years now. It’s rock solid, has four settings (150 lumens, 125, 75, and side lights only for pacelines). It’s USB rechargeable, lasts 6 hours on the high setting, longer on the lower settings. I run it at medium (125 lumens), charge it up w/my Karoo and front light after each ride, and have never had it run out on me. Granted, most of my rides are 2-4 hours, but some times I go days w/o a recharge, running it for 8+ hours, and have never had it go out on me.
The one fault I find with the light is the ratchet adjustment in its mount that in theory lets you adjust its vertical angle to align the light at 90-degrees when mounted to an angled seat tube. It gets jammed up with sand. Don’t even bother to try to fix it. It’ll just happen again the next day. So, just forget that feature ever existed.
On the other hand, a bonus feature for me is the extra-long rubber attachment strap that comes with the light’s seat-tube mounting bracket. I use a Vollé strap and the Vis 180’s mount and strap to hold a compact hand pump in place just beneath my seat. It works like a charm.
Lastly, Light and Motion’s customer service is outstanding. I managed in poor light to rip off the cover of the on-off button, rather than the USB cover, and L&M gave me full credit towards a new light. Similarly, I had a 900-lumen flame-throwing high beam commuter front light that hit the deck and wouldn’t recharge. They gave me full replacement credit for that light too.
@AlphaDogCycling I just found this post and was going to recommend the Spurcycle as well!! I love mine. Just need to get two more for my other bikes. Good thing you got it! It rocks.
Thanks again everyone for the Spurcycle Bell recommendation: first ride today with the one on my roadbike, and it worked great going over the GGB. Great sound, and solid ergonomics.
Varia radar (have 3 between my wife and I). Wouldn’t ride on the road without it. Spur cycle bell- loud and rings a long time.