Rest week after a rest week

The Base vs Build (Polarized) thread also discusses this issue of post-week off rest week. Seems like a bug in Plan Builder to me.

I know I ditched the suggested rest week, because my legs were well already rested after a week off. My first workout back I chose to be a moderate one because I’m usually a little sluggish after a break, but for the rest I picked workouts that were a proper intensity for my overall plan, actually probably a little harder even, since I was fresh.

ZackeryWeimer can you add any insights into why PB is scheduling rest weeks after we schedule a week off into PB? Seems odd to many of us, but perhaps there’s something we’re missing.

UPDATE: I just read the thread that @youcancallme_al linked to above. In it IvyAudrain provides a workaround for the PB week off and then a scheduled rest week. Personally, I’d rather not have to delete my rest week notation after it’s complete. Ivy did say they are looking at how this functions.