Short intense period before starting base? Chad's short FTP boost plan

I did just this plan - search for thread called catch 22 on v02 work- after seeing this idea.

Loads of discussion on it and updates

So @chad Iā€™m doing mid volume and just finished SSB1/2 would you then build a couple of weeks with 2 VO2 and a threshold on sat. with sweet-spot on Sunday. or Would you do a third VO2?

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Plan A, in most cases, @dubrose40. Unless youā€™ve experimented with VO2max work 3x/week before, Iā€™d see how the 2x/week goes first. That third day has been shown to exhibit generally diminished returns in most riders. But some do tolerate it well, at least for 2-3 weeks, before the gains level off or start to decline.


What about interstitial VO2max weeks? Was contemplating on dropping a week or two of 3x wk VO2 between SSB1 and SSB2 this winter. Basically a bump to the first base layer of training laid down. Thoughts?

In reading this, isnā€™t this effectively reverse periodisation? Effectively frontloading the work and then ā€œfilling inā€ the aerobic system after

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Iā€™ve been doing strictly sweetspot + long weekend endurance rides for the past few months and going to transition into sustained build now (preparing a TT). Would a little boost plan like this also benefit this transition? @chad

Iā€™m asking because I like the idea of having two weeks of vo2max and getting some rest from the long muscle endurance work. Anaerobic/vo2max is actually easier for me but Iā€™m focusing on longer stuff this year and kind of miss these shorter efforts ;p

Why not do it? Unless you have an event (can we all come?) do it. Such a workout will also give you a mental change from the LSD work.

As has been discussed on the podcast, with the worldā€™s current situation, now is the ideal time to try new things. If you miss it, do it! And yes, increasing that top end will help with the steady work.


Iā€™m trying this going from sustained build MV to first half climbing RR MV for the most vo2 max work I had ever done, and now back to SSB2 HV for first time. (After SSB MV before)

The VO2 max work was def a nice mental break but climbing RR kept some good longer efforts too. Iā€™m really enjoying the monotonous SSB now, and also surprising myself just how much I can handle day after day, but only 10 days in so far.

Will be hard to assess actual impact but for the mental variety, Iā€™d recommend it.

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Decided to go with the following 2 week boost plan before heading into build. Looking forward to it.


This makes a lot of sense. Some people might call this ā€œreverse periodizationā€ but i donā€™t think thatā€™s true. Periodization just refers to organizing your mesocycles in order to bring peak performance at your chosen time.

But from that, people somehow got into their heads that you cannot do high intensity intervals in the ā€œbase periodā€. Partially this is probably about tradition over science, and itā€™s also probably that people identified real issues with certain training interventions, but drew the wrong conclusions from them.

Over the seasons I have come to the view that during pre-competition period, the goals should be maximizing durability and Vo2max, and not even really bother with FTP. Then use threshold and sweetspot intervals closer to competition to fine-tune.

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Not sure if I missed this, but is there a consensus on whatā€™s best for pushing up oneā€™s ā€˜ceilingā€™ in a short VO2 block?

I havenā€™t ramp tested in a while, and my previous best 5 minute effort is from a ramp in January. Iā€™ll be doing a longer steady-state FTP assessment soon, and estimate my FTP result to be about 88% of my old 5 minute number. Is there any benefit in understanding MAP before starting a VO2 block, i.e. attempting a 5 minute all out effort?

Proposed block would probably be 2-3 weeks of 3x VO2 and 2x Z2 per week. Should I focus on:

  1. TiZ?
  2. Longer intervals?
  3. Higher (max aerobic) efforts e.g. 122-130%?
  4. a Combination?

Struggled with the methodology too.

In a recent block, I went for a mixed approach. Per week = 2 x 30/15 sessions and 1 x longer VO2 Max session for a 4 week block. TiZ was developed through extending the longer intervals every week (beginning at 4x4min ad progressing through to 5x5min).

Yep - all Iā€™ve found so far are general ā€˜do VO2 max workā€™ type statements.

If I donā€™t find anything specific, then I guess Iā€™ll do a combination of my #1, 2 & 3 (scattergun approach!) with the hope of hitting the target. This approach would probably be more tolerable than just focussing on one thing to be fair.

Edit: Perhaps theyā€™re all just different ways to skin a catā€¦

Iā€™m about to finish Sustained Power Build LV and Iā€™m planning on doing the folowing VO2Max block before starting back at SSB. Iā€™ve settled on 2 x VO2Max sesions a week + 1 x longer Sweet Spot session to keep the TSS up. Iā€™ll probably also add a random group ride or Z2 ride on sundays.

I wonā€™t be starting with an FTP test, because Iā€™m already struggling pretty hard in this final part of SusPB. The intense upper Z4 workouts just hit so hard. Iā€™m much better at longer sustained SweetSpot work. Hell, even Over/Unders feel way better.

Progress is based on Coach Chadā€™s suggestion earlier in this thread.
30/20 ā†’ Hard start 30/15 ā†’ 60/30 ā†’ 90/60 ā†’ 2.5min ā†’ 3min

Do you guys have any feedback on this plan?



Progression looks ok to me. Though I would be inclined to do an 8 week instead of a 3 week block.

I hate doing FTP tests. They psych me out way too much, so I only do them when itā€™s been a long time or I feel like I can expect an increase/decrease. Did one 2 weeks ago at the halfway point in SusPB, so Iā€™m gonna skip it before starting the VO2 block. Then test again before starting Base.

Isnā€™t a full 8 week block a bit too much? Itā€™s just intended as quick bump before restarting at Base.

If you can, then Iā€™d consider starting the progression further along (with the 2 or 2.5 minute intervals) to maximise your time at VO2 max per session. Rattlesnake is maybe the exception, because the minute at 140% gets you where you need to be pretty fast.

Either way, it looks pretty solid to me.

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Possibly - I wouldnā€™t see any change after such a short block. You may respond differently :+1:

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Yeah, I actually do Rattlesnake every Tuesday with bumps to the opening minute every week when I am in a Vo2 block

Interesting. Ever done the Megantic ā†’ Richardson ā†’ Xalibu progression? Similar idea.

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