Short workouts on Half Distance Triathlon Plans (Ironman)?

I’ve happily completed 70.3s on both low volume (2018) and mid volume (2019) with personal bests in both races. I didn’t feel the need to ride longer than prescribed in training. I guess it depends on what your goals are and why you feel you need the longer rides.


I trained for a 200 mile race using primarily 2hr rides. I would do long one when my schedule permitted, but that was infrequent. You should be just fine!

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It is because you are in the “base phase” so this is conditioning you for the next stage where workouts will get longer.

I’ve reached 4w/kg and sub 2:30 splits on the low volume protocol.

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I didn’t even do all the rides and was wondering the same as JoeX linked and it worked out perfectly

Just trust the plan

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