@IvyAudrain are these “approved ways to use AT” documented somewhere other than in this thread? There have been a number of threads with requests for a user’s guide or easily searchable documentation and this is a good example of where that would be helpful. I guess my asking the question reflects that I don’t know where to start looking for this, or even that there is a way that makes the best use of AT vs trial and error.
Oh, my. This statement gives me a sense of deja vu on all the discussion about when AT would be available… I hope your “soon” is pretty close to how I think about “soon…”
I can’t speak to the specifics mentioned above, but there is LOTS of info there that most people should review. It covers a great amount of the FAQ’s we see here and is the reason I am repeatedly posting links to it in answer to those questions.
The search right in the center works great and I use it all the time. Best results come from use of 1 or 2 terms and then check results.
Adding a related search result for “skip” on the support site. It doesn’t cover the full extent, but does hit on it in a tangential way.
Chad nailed it with the resources we have currently, although with Levels 2.0 addressing the skip/delete issue (and Levels 2.0 addressing every workout/ride you do for AT and PLs), we’ll have to revamp our resources again after that release already.
Thanks to both @mcneese.chad and @IvyAudrain for pointing me in the right direction. Documenting process well is hard work, so I’m glad to have all the tools here. UI design is also challenging so people know where to start looking.
@IvyAudrain, not sure what level in the TR AT world Levels2.0 is referring to? Progression, Difficulty, Workout? All of the above, or something else? Hard to keep up with all the moving parts – kind of like @ambermalika 's advice in a recent podcast on moving through the peloton when it’s widening and swirling
That is a new version of workout evaluation, that will handle the existing TR workouts inside and outside… but it adds the most important thing that has been asked for which is “Unstructured Rides”.
This will review ALL RIDES and assign Progression Levels based upon them, to give Adaptive Training a full picture that will allow for better adaptations to the pending training plan on the calendar.
That is the “missing piece” of the training puzzle that leaves out the stuff like outside group rides, non-TR workouts (stuff from custom workouts, other coaches, etc.) and any other ride that is not the regular TR workout inside or outside.
If you’re in the middle of a training plan and want to delete a B race on one weekend, and switch it for another similar race on another weekend will AT add workouts to the now open weekend, and delete workouts from the new date?
If you delete a B race you will be prompted to re-build your plan. Doing that you will get new workouts for that weekend. And if you add a new B race to another weekend during your re-build planbuilder will set up that section of your plan to facilitate for your new race.
You can expect nearby workouts to change as well. The workout you had the day after your B-race will for instance get harder as it probably was toned done because of the race the day before.
Note that after such an re-build your plan will now say it started the day you did the rebuild, but everything you have done so far is accounted for so no worries.
Tried today to use alternates as you suggested but the option only gives a recovery workout as another option. Wasnt able to select an endurance workout of a higher level then very low.
I think all this is moot once other rides are factored in.
Workout alternates will still keep you in the same energy system, sorry for the confusion.
If you want to do something totally different, that wont be accounted for yet within your plan/adaptations until Levels V2 is finished, where every workout and unstructured ride you do will result in potential adaptations to move you towards your goals identified in Plan Builder.
When you are looking at alternate rides switch the pull down menu from “recovery” to achievable, productive, stretch, or breakthrough… This will open up access to MANY endurance rides for you… can play with duration as well.
For my Sundays I just delete the SS ride for a long z2 ride (usually what’s recommended in the weekly tips). I’ve been doing this all through SSBHV2 and SustainedPBHV. It has worked well for AT and my PLs have adjusted properly.
This works fine if you never plan to do the Sunday SS ride. But if you switch between doing endurance and SS on Sundays it’s better to leave the SS ride on the calendar when you add an endurance ride.
I’ve gone back and forth between SS and endurance, it doesn’t make a difference. I just look at the last completed SS workout level I did and if it has been within a few weeks I just pick a workout near that level. Just happened a few weeks ago when I planned to do a z2 workout, but ended up being under time constraints the day of and needed a 2 hour SS. AT has no problem adjusting future workouts wether I delete the workout and do z2 or complete the SS workout.
If you pick a plan and you do 2 of the 3 workouts…so always VO2 and threshold and swap the sweet spot for an endurance…why does it matter?
I can understand if they only grade planned workouts…but say so if that is the case.
If you take a plan and you dont use alternates…but pick a different VO2 workout vs the one selected…why does it matter? You still get progression in future workouts.
I know they dont want to explain their model…but lack of openness and trust the system really is not a good answer.
I think Ivy gave a good explanation earlier in this thread.
Thats why I specified switching between endurance and SS. If you never do the SS, it doesn’t matter.
Again, if you never want to do that type of VO2 workout, it doesn’t matter. But if you just want a different type of VO2 workout one week and back to the type in the plan the next, it matters.
I don’t think this situation has been mentioned yet so thought I would confirm as this was applicable to me:
Skipped a planned workout (based on above comments I Ieft it in calendar)
However, I still did a workout that day with TrainNow
Should I leave the skipped workout in the calendar?
The reason I didn’t “replace” the workout using workout alternates is that I couldn’t or didn’t find one I wanted so I just used train now (wanted different workout duration and also wanted a sweet spot workout specifically).
I ended up deleting the skipped workout as I thought it may confuse the algorithm.
Maybe a minor point but curious.
I would say it is best to leave skipped workouts in the calendar regardless of what you do instead (nothing, unstructured, Train Now, etc.). You want AT to know that you didn’t perform the prescribed workout so it can adjust accordingly.