SRM X-Pedal Power Meter, MTB SPD

Any update on your X-Powers?

Received a set a couple weeks back and have done several rides with them. Am seeing similar issues of power spikes well above what I’m capable of producing and left pedal drops. Admittedly am riding fairly technical terrain which isn’t the best way to evaluate a power platform. But it’s where I ride. Firmware is 1.4.6 which is current.

Wonder if there are enough X-Power users on the TR forum to start a little users group or thread?

Sorry, I haven’t checked in in a while.

I’ve since taken these pedals off my XC bike and they are sitting on my workbench while I figure out what to do with them. I had a bunch of pretty hard pedal strikes on rocks and they don’t seem to be the same.
The symptoms include the power dropping out, as in the middle of a ride will have 20-30 minutes where no power data is collected. Then it just comes back. I’m not looking at the power on these rides so I don’t even notice.
Also when using the with trainer road, they just don’t work well. Example: I’ll be on ERG and powermatch. Say at 200 watts. While staying at 200 watts it will get noticeably more or less (sometimes no) resistance.
Another thing I have seen is when an interval is over, and power should drop down for recovery, it doesn’t drop and stays at the interval level.

I use the ANT connection for both trainer road and on my Garmin because I read it was more accurate for power. But I’ve tried switching back to BT and the same issues occur.

The batteries last about 12-15 hours. Which is horrible compared to my Assiomas. I only need to charge them every few months.

And lastly, they creak. I think it’s the springs that control the clip release. But i thought it was my pivots or bb or anything else. When I put on my XTR pedals the creak went away.

And last week I got an email to schedule my srm service. Which they are asking $200 to perform. Kinda frustrating for a $1200 piece of equipment.

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Tnx for commenting. Appreciate the reply. Have a set in hand and will be curious if I have a better experience.

What hardware version do you have? I have .5 and I’m wondering if they gave me a pre release HW version.

Mine also show 0.5 hardware. 1.4.6 firmware.

Will try them a few times this coming week and see what happens.

Any updates from users on some of the more recently released pedals? SRM claims improved battery life. The early units had horribly short run times between charging and the charger was finicky to get connected for charging. Unit would discharge about 10%/day w/o use. Winter fat bike use…barely get in a single short ride on a fresh charge with them.

Out of the box mine had a left side pedal problem. Right side was fine and could run them as single sided and get good numbers. But paid for two sided power. Ran the app based diagnostic and SRM immediately sent me an email saying the pedals needed service and included a prepaid shipping label. Took about a week total time for the shipping and service.

Since return they are working properly. Connect immediately to the Garmin. Numbers look right. Files look right. Meaning no weird spikes or other issues.

Battery life seems fine. Am typically out for 2-3 hours per ride. Four or five rides since last charge several weeks ago and still have 40% battery on each side.

Obviously was not happy to have a problem out of the box. But SRM handled it quickly and the pedals have been good since coming back. Knock on wood, will stay that way. Unfortunately only getting out on dirt 1-2 times a week this time of year but happy to report back here if folks are following and interested.

(Sandy - I’m also on VSalon but different user name and haven’t been on that forum much lately. Nice to see you over here and hope all is well)


I had issues with battery life early in my x-Power experience, ripped off part of the cage on a downhill ride. SRM was awesome, replaced the pedals and send me a replacement part for the cage.
I have some creaking as well, seems to be shoe / cleat dependent. One pair of shoes, no issue, another pair and it is at almost every pedalstroke.
Powerdata is very consistent and seems true - since they changed the hardware for the battery issue. Prior to that it was all over the chart.

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That’s much better battery life than a very early single side unit I tried. That couldn’t make a two hour ride in the winter on a full charge. If charging can be every couple of weeks with 6-7 two hour rides I could deal with that for accurate data.

Cool to cross paths here. Aiming to rebuild some better fitness again : ) Thanks.

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I sent my x powers in for service and they ended up replacing the spindles and electronics. Night and day improvement. All issues I reported previously are resolved and the battery is much better. Still not Assioma great but I don’t have to charge them after every other ride.


Good to read that.

Mine have been working properly since service as well. Did 6-7 rides before getting a low battery alert on the garmin. Did one more ride, all good, then charged them.

Power numbers look fine but I have not done any testing, am just looking at the files.

Typically ride dirt once or twice a week for a couple hours per ride. Looks like charging will be once a month at that rate. Even if it’s more frequent, it’s easy to do and with headunit alerts no excuse to forget.

Only small complaint is the pedal and cleat interface is not as crisp as shimano pedals. It’s minor difference but slightly less good.

Will see how it goes long term and as swapped to different bikes. The swapping ease was a reason to get these pedals.

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Hi there,
Interested in these. Has anyone an idea how these compare to the Garmin Rally pedals?

I’ve used both. I’m very happy with the improved battery life of the newest X-Power pedals (dual sided). Garmin (have XC200s) are heavier and chunkier, long battery life. Haven’t had them out since the recent firmware update that will hopefully improve wakeup and pickup reading sooner after resuming pedaling. Prefer the engagement of the SRM a bit more vs the Garmin. The run time via the Garmin batteries will be much longer than the SRM X-Power. Based on #s supplied from both, 120 hours vs 30. Backpacking, back country, etc. w/o power bank would drive use of the Garmin over the SRM. Ease of use I’d pick SRM. A very small plus is a simple thing, the shoulder next to the flats make install/removal with the pedal wrench cleaner with the SRM pedals.

EDIT: update, carbon cranks with boots on, even with a pedal washer on the pedal the charging clip can’t make good contact. A second washer will probably keep the charging area out far enough. Not an issue for crankarms w/o boots.

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I read a review stating that SRM was working on a firmware update to reduce the idle power drain of the pedals, Does anyone know if that’s happened?

It appears to have been fixed.

Thanks! How long before the batteries are drained now when you’re not using them? @dcrainmaker’s review said I would be charging them every 3 weeks and I was worried about that

Just as a minor note that there were both hardware AND software changes to unlock the different battery idle profiles SRM discussed at the time. These were to be done inline, so there wasn’t a new name or anything, just a running change on the production line with new components that supported significantly battery life. While also doing a firmware update to help existing units slightly as well.


Gotta empty those beers first, then I will review em.

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SRM just announced X-Power flat pedals for dirt.

As an update, my x-powers continue to work well after the round trip to Colorado. Am a happy customer again. Battery life seems solid and the garmin 530 gives an alert with plenty of time remaining to complete a couple 2 hours rides.

I’ve not bothered to reference the power to my road SRm units but the readings roughly match what I expect based on terrain, RPE and how hard I’m pushing. Dirt power files are so different from road or trainer that I’m keeping mtn and road data separate for now.


I had to snag these from the google cache:

These I got via regular search access.