Thanks for getting back in touch with us!
Unfortunately, Standard Mode is no longer available over the ANT+ connection method. In order to use Standard Mode on the KICKR, you’ll need to connect the unit via Bluetooth.
The reason for this change is due to the release of something called “ANT+ FE-C”. ANT+ FE-C is the communication protocol that has become a standard protocol for all smart trainers in the industry.
Having industry standards like FE-C allows for trainers and applications to work more seamlessly together, but as you’ve come to find out, the FE-C connection method doesn’t include Standard Mode as a mode option.
In an effort to make sure we’re using the most up-to-date connection method, we’re now using the ANT+ FE-C standard pairing method.
More background information on this:
We’ve been using what we call the “legacy” ANT+ connection method for the KICKR up until a recent update. This is why you’ve had Standard Mode up until this update. Again, we want to use the latest and greatest when it comes to connectivity, so we’re using the ANT+ FE-C connection moving forward.
You are still able to use Resistance Mode over ANT+, which is comparable to Standard Mode with some exceptions, but in order to get back on Standard you’re going to need to connect via Bluetooth.
How to get connected via Bluetooth on Windows:
You’ll need an extra adapter to connect the KICKR over Bluetooth. Although many newer Windows machines have built-in Bluetooth, TrainerRoad requires this specific adapter to connect with Bluetooth devices.
I know it’s a bummer to have to pick up the extra adapter to get connected, especially for this functionality that you had previously. I’m really sorry for the extra hassle around this.
Customer Support Lead