Strava API Agreement Update

Must just be a problem with something on my end ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Instant upload TR > St like usual for me.

The workout analysis page is showing a Strava sync error for me, but it’s not worth troubleshooting. Time to throw in the Strava towel a bit earlier than expected. I was able to sync with Apple Health via HealthFit’s import functionality—clunky and not ideal, but gets the job done.


I’m curious if we have an update on the status of pulling in Wahoo outside rides as we are getting very close to the 30-day cutoff that Strava had imposed with their change in their API agreement.


I was wondering this as well, but trying not to be the first to post pestering the TR team for answers. Glad you beat me to it!

I think Wahoo outdoor rides and Zwift rides are the main things that would be unsupported if Strava syncing went away, right?

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That and workouts you pull in from your Wahoo sports watch. (There are 10s of us! :rofl:)



Just saw that launched its Zwift integration today:

Very pleased to see it works with running too; it’d be great if TR can make it work for the runs in the triathlon plans.


Xert seem to be keeping to the same messaging, from their latest customer communication

Next few days is going to be interesting


I hope I’m reading too much into it, but, I can’t help but be a little concerned that TrainerRoad haven’t come out with a similar statement of reassurance.

Hopefully the reason they haven’t said anything is because it hasn’t broken anything :crossed_fingers:


If the sky does fall I’d miss Wanderer for the new roads challenge but I’ve realised that disconnecting Garmin and Strava would mean that Garmin live segments start working which as a method for pushing myself would be cool.

Yeah, TrainerRoad, VeloViewer, and Xert all have largely gotten the OK (with minor changes in some cases).

Though frankly, this is less about Strava changing the API terms, and more about them just dolling out exclusions and exceptions left and right to vaguely keep each app happy, seemingly based on who they like. I’m not sure how that’s super sustainable.

However, there are apps left in the wake without exclusions. Including an absolutely massive one that may be announcing today or tomorrow, and the scale is well beyond even my theoretical max’s. With numbers that make Strava’s “0.1%” distraction mantra pretty silly-sounding.


@dcrainmaker I’d be interested in knowing how many exclusions are official and signed agreements, versus just an email back/forth.


wrt Wandrer: Strava API update

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That’s such a typically negative response from them. Just rubs me wrong.

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Most of these sound more verbal, than anything else. I’m sure the smarter apps have at least gotten a written e-mail from them comfirming it. But I’m guessing almost none of the apps have actual contractual updates.


Ah, the type of assurance that can change without any notice.


Does that app start with a letter somewhere between O and Q?

That is good to know. But I’ll still turn off syncing once I can (I have a Wahoo Bolt v1 and a Rival) and then likely not use the app again.

That sounds like amateur hour on Strava’s part, i. e. the company is run by people who don’t act like people running a (multimillion dollar) business. Things like written, litigable agreements and boring things like memoranda of understandings (in preparation of these agreements), how do you trust Strava to keep their end of the deal?


Well, or it’s on purpose so that it leaves the door open for them to change their mind easier even if it brings about backlash. Anyone using the API shouldn’t trust Strava to keep their end of the deal unless it is in a written agreement. If an API user requests a written agreement and it’s not possible, that should be even more of a red flag.