Strava sync fails [Resolved ✅]

Update for both the prior Strava outage that impacted images, and for last night’s scheduled maintenance:

We reprocessed rides and pushed over new images to Strava for rides impacted by their outage earlier in the week. These rides should have images now, and any workouts impacted by Strava maintenance should be re-synced as well!

Let me know if any issues persist.

hi @IvyAudrain

I did a workout (Buttertubs) yesterday (Wed 11 Jan) and the ride failed to sync to Strava, I tried clicking on the sync ride option as illustrated above and it went to a Zwift ride I did at the same time, I have deleted the Zwift ride, but TR workout is still not showing. (I had TR control my trainer and did the workout and had Zwift just reading the power from my trainer).

Thanks in advance.


Disconnected TR from Strava, reconnected and now seems to be working ok.

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Hey, Malcolm! Sorry I didn’t see your response before the weekend.
I didn’t see any new reports of Strava outages over the weekend so not sure what the source of that was? A re-sync is a great first-step in troubleshooting with Strava, good on you for giving that a shot!

Let me know if any new issues arise. :slightly_smiling_face:

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