Strength training or extra volume?

Well, if you showered after the gym session, you could blame it on your post trainer session shower being the “shower you didn’t otherwise need” that takes up more time :slight_smile:

One of the best parts of lifting at home in the AC is it has no impact on showering. I can get through a pretty grueling one hour workout and not break a sweat.

I hear you on the kids - have a 3 year old and 6 week old. While 90% of my trainer sessions are before they wake up, I hate spending a Saturday/Sunday morning for 4-5 hrs away from home on the bike. Since I drive to my weekend long rides, now THAT can be insanely time consuming vs the time spent doing the actual activity. Even worse If I want to ride gravel, it’s 75 minutes each way (which I don’t do often).


I’m over 50, so weights are a given from here on out. I got tired of the Planet Fitness scene, with the over powering use of air fresheners, limited machines that were always busy…so I got a simple set up for the house. Nice to just run downstairs for a session.

Strength/power is a limiter for me, so I know whatever weights I do are going to help.

But I also need to find more bike time. My total on-bike volume went down a bit from last year, and it shows. I definitely want more volume, while keeping a few weight sessions each week.


If you are over 50 years old and suffering from sarcopenia (muscle loss), then you need to hit the weights twice per week.