Strength Training

What does your session look like before you move to deadlift?

My protocol is really simple. Just warmup → 4x4 (or 5) of squats and then deadlifts. Always in this order.

How heavy did you start at (compared to your squat or 1RM)?

Can’t say that I know for sure where my 1RM is atm, but yes, each set is challenging. In this sense I’ve not had a"soft start" to the strength training, but I also do not completely trash myself as I ride the bike in the evening. Certainly challenging enough that I might have been sloppy with the technique.

Thanks to all for the replies. I already have a plan of how to continue.

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I follow the technique from Mark Richardson of Starting Strength for Deadlifts and squats. Having ruptured L3 doing Squats several years ago, I got in-person instruction from Alan Thrall, (check out his youtube channel). Haven’t had any back issues with either squats or deadlifts, peaked out at about 60 lb over body weight on deadlifts before covid shut the gym.


AT is a monster. Great resource.

Excellent Instructor. Worth every penny I paid. He spent 4 hrs with me instructing on all of the basic barbell lifts.

Check out the dead lifting technique videos from

Interesting article:

and 4 more after following links in the article.

Anybody try targeting slow-twitch?

Very Interesting. The problem is I don’t have access to weights with Covid. Cases are currently climbing at a rapid rate in my location, and yours as well.

It’s ok here in Sac county, but doesn’t really matter I’ve got kettlebells and bro-in-law two doors down with full barbell set and dumbbells up to 90lbs.

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You married up.


Not easy being an endurance athlete in a family of power athletes!

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No, although my first thought is that the endurance training we do already does that…Im just thinking it through…so most of out hybrid fibres will be tuned to slow twitch already…lifting long, light and slow…is that going to increase muscle density like heavy lifting, probably not, isnt that supposed to be more of a hypertrophy activity?

Looks like a hypertrophy phase to me. According to Bompa (periodization of strength for sports) you should train your strength in the gym first (incl hypertrophy if appropriate). Strength-endurance should be sport specific. Can’t see how even 50 squats in a row comes close to 10 thousands of revolutions/steps/rows that you do in one bout of endurance exercise.

Hey Andrew was just mentioning to a friend yesterday that a workout, upper or lower does not have to be intense, long or too taxing to have good benefits. I can fit in my workouts in anytime because they aren’t Draining.I can not maintain heavy and intense lifting and Train or ride hard at the same time , to much energy drain , eating , and time in recovery mode. i ride Single track and Road, and just looking to keep my upper body from fatiguing on Rides.

Haha! My roommate is a powerlifter and rugby player. In between the ridiculous challenges, unsuccessful attempts at explaining the finer details of each other’s sports, and somewhat spectacular dietary habits, I think we’d make a great sitcom.


all the males in this family can or have thrown 90+mph fastballs so I’m at a bit of a disadvantage…

anything to produce more red meat! (aka slow twitch or FOG mitochondria machinery)

Must make for interesting family snowball fights in winter.


something like this LOL


Has Coach Chad given any recommendations regarding where to fit strength training in the training plans, I am thinking he has and I am not finding it

Two blog posts worth looking at, look at the section Timing Strength Training Within Your Season in this article:

and the FAQ section here:


thanks, really appreciate it