I’m guessing they are going to add heart rate to the goggles
I doubt they have the sales volume to go to Garmin hardware model.
Sadly a subscription model means I weigh it up against swim club membership, which includes pool access generally.
I enjoyed the first plans I used, arm strength something but as I’ve moved to increase you pace ones, and now improve your form score I’m less certain. I’m doing a half iron plan next and that will be the decider.
I think I have got faster, which should be the key thing…
Sounds about right, judging by the app update they just released:
Maybe integrated GPS too (or compass?) based on that SwimStraight feature.
Eh, seems like a really incremental release: https://www.formswim.com/products/smart-swim-2-goggles
Integrated heart rate, smaller electronics, supposedly more comfortable eye cups, and not much else. All the new software features (even the SwimStraight one) seem to be supported on the previous goggles. The battery on mine is dying so I was thinking of picking up a new pair, but I might as well get the old ones since they’re still for sale and I already have the HRM for them. I’ll wait for @dcrainmaker’s review, though, maybe I’ll splurge on the new ones if they’re truly more comfortable.
I’m waiting to see what folks say about the new eye cups. Also, the replacement straps are practically disposable so hoping they upgraded those.
Gotta say, that SwimStraight feature looks very compelling. I don’t wear my Form goggles for races but this is making me consider it.
I’m not sure how I feel about these.
I’ve got the V1’s and enjoy them and always swim with them it’s the subscription model that’s giving me pause. When I got mine they had the 1 year free, and I’m reaching the end of that.
The new ones only having 2 months free, rather than the year gives me pause. If it was a year I’d probably go for it.
Realistically I think I’ll end up with these, I’m off the opinion that more data is always better and having (accurate) HR is useful. And I can probably flick my V1’s off to a friend for cheap to make some money back.
The swim straight feature looks pretty good too, I’ve worn my Form for one race and decided never again after that, it didn’t give any useful information and seeing the distance move so slowly ended up demotivating me by the end
Oh yeah, I think having the distance in there during a race would be maddening. Can you make it show the HeadCoach stuff during a race? I’d probably use that and/or the compass just to have something to focus on instead of staring at the deep…
Probably, I used it once and then got 20 meters in and regretted my life choices and couldn’t do anything to change it. I think you can set an open water dashboard to show different things.
Im out.
Watched the review, thanks @dcrainmaker
SwimStraight wants/needs you to sight every 20 seconds so I’m not sure how much it’s helping. Sure, I’ve done plenty of swims where I have no idea where I’m going sighting or not and it would give some assurance.
But if you have to remember your compass directions at each point in the race…again I’m not sure it’s going to help me.
It’s going to give newbies confidence they won’t get lost, but I’m not convinced there’s a performance benefit here.
I can think of a few races where, sighting into the sun through foggy goggles with my bad eyesight, having a compass heading to feel extra confident I’m not going off course would have been very useful, it’s just a bummer that it requires a subscription. It betrays such a lack of confidence in their product offering that they don’t think the training plans or the app itself are worth the 20 bucks or whatever so they have to artificially hamstring their hardware.
I got the new goggles on a whim, and man, what a disappointment. I would not recommend getting these at all. The built-in HRM might as well be a random number generator.
I wasted almost ten minutes on the side of the pool messing with the strap placement under my swim cap just to even get a read from the HRM, even though I used the recommended placement shown in the app, and even then, the numbers were all over the place for half the swim. 150 bpm! 120! 135! 112! 127! 148! Just maddening. Then it sorta stabilized halfway through for no reason, I didn’t touch the goggles at all, so I don’t know how to make it read reliably. The Polar HRM clipped on the previous model was solid, never had any kind of issues with it besides the hassle of having to charge two devices.
What a bummer, I really wanted to love the new version because they are legitimately more comfortable, but the built-in HRM is pretty useless. I’m gonna send these back and stick to the previous model.
Edit: Here’s the same workout using the V1 goggles with the Polar Verity Sense, for comparison:
I know I’m just one tiny grain of sand that will get lost in the beach of discussion on these, and this topic, both on this forum and in the broader environment of online reviews, etc.
But our lives have just become SO bloody digital. Even when we sleep, we don’t wake up and think “Do I feel well rested? Or no?” We ask a device to tell us if we feel well rested or not.
Swimming is one of our last bastions of peace, meditation, and F^@&!%& silence. To just be us, interacting directly, physically, powerfully and unfiltered, with the natural world.
[Even indoor swimming; the physical process is just you interacting with water… one of the most beautiful things you can do with your body and mind on this planet. ]
I don’t care if they could make me 10% faster over 3 - 6 mo. I’d never wear a digital HUD swimming.
Further, and more importantly:, Sighting and tracking are not just a massive part of the challenge of open water swimming, they are in fact precisely what defines open water swimming vs. indoor pool swimming. That is what OW swimming is.
If it was just about pure speed, we would just run all the races in indoor pools!!! They should strongly be illegal in races, if they aid tracking. It’s a completely unfair advantage over other racers, that some people have just purchased a massive winning edge.
[No, this is nothing “…like making expensive, better bikes illegal”. Please don’t be silly. It would be more like making powerful e-bikes, or motor doping, illegal. ]
[I do use a watch for pacing, target times, etc., and would love to have one that records HR *to review afterwards*… when $ allows.]
Who’s “we”? You don’t have to do that, you know. I bet most people don’t.
Swimming is one of our last bastions of peace, meditation, and F^@&!%& silence. To just be us, interacting directly, physically, powerfully and unfiltered, with the natural world.
I’m glad swimming is that for you, but it’s not that for everybody. If you enjoy it that way, more power to you, but nobody’s taking that away from you because they bought some fancy goggles.
I don’t care if they could make me 10% faster over 3 - 6 mo. I’d never wear a digital HUD swimming.
Then don’t. Who’s forcing you to?
Further, and more importantly: , Sighting and tracking are not just a massive part of the challenge of open water swimming, they are in fact precisely what defines open water swimming vs. indoor pool swimming. That is what OW swimming is .
No, it’s not. From World Aquatics:
OPEN WATER SWIMMING is defined as any competition that takes place in rivers, lakes, oceans or water channels or any other body of open water.
There’s no definition of open water swimming that I know of that revolves specifically around sighting. Of course you may have to sight during open water swimming, but it doesn’t stop being open water swimming if you don’t do it, and sighting in a pool doesn’t make it open water swimming. In any case, Form is very explicit that you still have to sight while wearing those goggles. All they do is show you a compass heading so you know if you’re going off course between sightings, but it’s still incumbent on you to know where you’re going.
If it was just about pure speed, we would just run all the races in indoor pools!!!
Races are about speed. The definition of a race is literally “a contest of speed”.
They should strongly be illegal in races, if they aid tracking. It’s a completely unfair advantage over other racers, that some people have just purchased a massive winning edge.
[No, this is nothing “…like making expensive, better bikes illegal”. Please don’t be silly.
It would be more like making powerful e-bikes, or motor doping, illegal. ]
Form goggles are nothing like e-bikes or motor doping; they don’t have a motor and you won’t go faster simply by putting them on. What a bizarre argument to make.
A better analogy would be banning bike computers because they have turn-by-turn directions; sure, maybe they’ll give you some small edge over someone who needs to pay attention to course markers, but you still need to do that! And yes, “some people have just purchased a massive winning edge” could apply to basically every piece of equipment, including expensive bikes. An aero helmet will give you a bigger edge in a triathlon than these goggles ever will.
[I do use a watch for pacing, target times, etc., and would love to have one that records HR *to review afterwards*… when $ allows.]
I’m confused as to why you’d want one after all you just said.
“You don’t have to do that, you know.”
Obviously. I don’t. Many do. There’s a damn good reason almost all “fitness trackers” will “track your sleep quality”.
@giventotri because for pacing you only check it once every 200 - 500 m or so. Otherwise you’re just purely and naturally swimming. The HRM would give me some interesting info… after the swim.
I’m not responding to anything else you’ve said. The reason should be dead clear. I’m here for productive discussion & engagement to enrich each other’s lives and help each other.
I sincerely hope you have a great day.
These googles aren’t for me, I can count my laps fine, don’t need them to show me a workout and I’m good at spotting the clock in my pool for pacing. I only clicked on the thread since google showed me something about them the other day and I thought maybe there was some info on an update or something.
But you are the one that came into a 2 year old thread, 2 months since the last post just to talk crap about it and tell others why they shouldn’t be using them. That is anything but trying to have a productive conversation and borderline forum etiquette violation.
Hey man.
I’m not telling anyone what they should or shouldn’t do. That really is clear in both my content, and tone. Sincerely sorry if I rubbed you the wrong way for some reason!
I’m expressing a different perspective to share w others, for them to consider, that hasn’t been voiced yet. Target aud. was not those who have and love the goggles, at all.
[Pretty obviously, right? I mean… how would one expect to convince someone they don’t actually love something that they do, in fact, love ??? ]
Target aud. was those following, and considering if they should / should not buy a pair. It’s a perspective on the flip side; that maybe swimming “au naturel” is actually just a nicer experience, for some, and they might want to consider that before jumping at the chance of more tech, and also just simply sharing my own experience and perspective. For the sake of just communicating and chatting with fellow riders, just to be social. Not with any target aud., or “goal”.
And on the thread re-bump thing: No clue why / how it happened, but it was highlighted as having new action, and was at the top of my screen. I didn’t go digging for this.
You can check my post history. I try very hard to be an excellent community member, and positive contributor.
I’m not your target aud., and certainly don’t deserve the “borderline etiquette violation” comment. Many who interact w me regularly know that.
I hope you have a great day, and hopefully a great ride today.
Considering I said “WTF did I just read” out loud after reading your initial post, I offer the counter point that it is definitely not clear at all.