Tacx Bike Plus Just Announced!

@dcrainmaker So how tall are you?
@GPLama How short aero are you?

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181cm. Tall here (5cm above average Aussie male height).

Short in :netherlands:. :rofl:

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I’m 6’2"/188cm non-aero.

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I’m 192cm and don’t have any rubbing issues on the Kickr Bike, which I have used all year. I did get a bike fit early on.

My right leg around the knee hits the frame from time to time (i.e., when not paying attention to form). But this is a problem I’ve had even when I used my regular bike indoors.

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I’m 183cm and feel tiny when in :netherlands:. Aside from the Dutch, most everyone else is short in the Netherlands. Something in the milk or water :person_shrugging:


Disappointed w/the price, especially considering the lack of any major changes. Now, do I buy a v1 Kickr bike or v1 Neo bike :thinking: I was really hoping that the v2 Neo bike was going to be worth the wait.


I once went to Bangalore with a Dutch guy who was like 6’6”. That was quite amusing, but I never lost him in a crowd.