Have some data comparing the Kenda Booster Pro TR 2.6 vs. the Schwalbe Thunder Burt Super Ground Addix Speed 2.25 on the rear wheel…front wheel stayed the same (booster pro 2.6). The data says they are well within the limits of my test…which is probably right. I’d guess the super ground casing is a little tougher than the TR casing…that light Kenda casing feels road tire thin…if that. I have ridden it awhile here in Florida without any problems and it came thru 5 endurance races of ~ 2 1/2 hours each this spring. Between laps 4 and 5 I took a lap with a friends wheelset…2.25" race king protection front and rear on bontrager kovee pro (1400g) wheels and smoked a 13:45 lap at the same 165 watts. I think swapping both tires vs. one tire would make it easier to see a difference so that might be something I try in the future, maybe booster pro vs. race kings and swap both wheels every lap. The race kings are definitely smaller and I had at least 1/2 dozen pedal strikes on that lap.Anyway…here is the data