Thanks. It’s pretty much impossible for me to not share what I’ve learned through personal experiences so as long as I’m on the podcast it’s going to keep happening.
I’ll just try to keep it on topic or about popeyes.
Thanks. It’s pretty much impossible for me to not share what I’ve learned through personal experiences so as long as I’m on the podcast it’s going to keep happening.
I’ll just try to keep it on topic or about popeyes.
Keep on your stellar work, it’s really appreciated !!!
The personal stories and you translating what Chad said for the rest of us and telling us how it applies is one of the best parts of the pod.
I love the deep dives. I dont want to have to dig into all that stuff myself and probably wouldnt invest the time to do it. When I hear a question about how do I plan my season I tune out myself but I get it but we have heard that to death in the 233 podcasts. I like all the personal stuff about the group makes it all real world.
Special guests are great and would like more but I am sure the logistics is very hard,
Much appreciate the personal info! Real world info is great!
I have often wondered if I would get more from the deep dives if I were sitting in front of a screen with a pen and paper in hand. I tend to listen to the podcast in my car or when training, and that’s when KISS really comes in. As soon as things go deep, I find I’ve missed a minute of information because I was driving. I don’t really have 2 hours or more to focus and watch though, so one thing I REALLY value is the recap and post on each episode, so that if I find the deep dive interesting, I can go back and quickly find and rewatch that one section later.
Kind of like youtube. I don’t have time to watch the whole concert (or want to watch a whole concert recorded on a cell phone), but if you list the songs and times, I’ll probably watch a few minutes of my favorite songs or parts.
Keep up the great work guys!
Definitely need more Popeye’s content!!!
The trouble is that for a new user the podcast needs to be a useful resourse without the need to listen to all 233 episodes.
I said I get it but it just makes me tune out a bit I still listen. I listen to every podcast at least 3-4 times during the week waiting for the next one!
Just reinforcing the point that the content has to be there.
I went back and listened to all the old ones once I found the podcast so the info is out there but again I get it.
Well if that doesn’t mean a Turing test passing full AI Ch4db0t telling me what to do when my back is tight before a workout, I don’t know what does.
Love the podcast. Over my head deep dives but I’ll pick something up with each topic.
Just wanted to chime in and thank all of you (again) for your feedback. Having such an engaged audience is something we do not take for granted, and it motivates us to constantly improve. Thank you!
Regarding the MTB Podcast, I wish I had more time. With our son now being three years old, my wife working full time in a rapidly advancing career, a demanding job for myself and training, it’s tough to find an extra 10hrs per week for a fun passion project.
There’s a chance that episodes will resume regularity next summer once we move house and my total commuting time is cut from 2hrs per day to 10 minutes per day.
Congratulations to you and your wife on the success! This is a good problem to have (as I’m sure you both already know)! We definitely appreciate all you do.
I’m here for Nate’s therapy couch.
Super - Very much enjoy the mtn bike podcast - look forward to the eventual return.
I agree as well !!!
So I’m not a mountain biker… yet, however the breakdown on the spacers in the shocks you gave was really, really awesome. Thanks for breaking it down. Now I want to buy a dual suspension
The roller tips were great for someone who’s keen to give it a go as well as the race tips. You guys really knocked that one out of the park
I’d like to hear more about different (aka competing) training philosophies, with guests when possible. That includes things like polarized training (Stephen Seiler), Inscyd/vlamax (Sebastian Weber), using HR for longer intervals, training for fatmax (Steve Neal??) , etc. I realize that these podcasts would discussing a training concept/philosophy that TR doesn’t really support or promote, but I think it would be great to include topics like these in the ‘how to get faster’ discussion. I don’t think TR users are going to quit to do polarized training, they’re just going to make up their own plan using existing or custom workouts.