The sad implosion of Cyclingtips :( (new title to reflect the max exodus)

And now Abby Mickey is out….JFC, what a mess. Outside can’t even communicate to their employees what is going on.

Well I was really hoping I wouldn’t have to write these words but…I will no longer work at CyclingTips as of the new year. Devastated hardly covers it but I can’t continue to work at CT. After weeks of no communication or organization and mixed messages from our parent company, for my own health, I had to make an impossible decision.

Freewheeling has always been more than a podcast to me. It was my first baby and watching it grow has been an absolute privilege. We still have three episodes left. [@gracieelvin] interviewed Amanda Spratt and Loren sat down with Jolien D’Hoore for our final two interviews. To close out the year @amylaurenjones put together her famous year end quiz and we had a blast doing math(s). Spoiler alert [@tildsprice] claims bragging rights (to no-one’s surprise.)

I want to thank everyone who helped make Freewheeling what it is. When I retired from cycling I never wanted to watch a race again let alone work in the industry. The team at CyclingTips changed my mind and working with them renewed my love of the sport.

I don’t know what’s next but I know it’s going to be fun. Fourth times a charm?