Thinking about a $2/month price raise

I suggest updated the OP at the top, with this official info so we can point to that when this question comes up again. That or add a link in that OP to your or Nate’s post as an alternate fast route to the info.


I got email, was I not legacy anymore?

I understand how missing this thread last week could lead you to feel caught off-guard by today’s price increase. It’s a long thread to catch up on so feel free to shoot me a DM if you have any specific questions.

We really appreciate that. Your support helps us improve in the ways Nate has outlined, and with more to come in the future.

Can someone post the definition of legacy pricing? Is it only for those that were paying less than $100? I am just curious because from seeing posts in the past I thought everyone had their own level of legacy pricing depending on when they opted in with TR

So if we got the email we aren’t legacy anymore. I allowed my account to up to full price last time instead of staying at the $99. Did doing that not allow me to be a legacy subscriber anymore?

People who opted out paying the current price or 15% discount.


When did we get that communication , maybe I missed it last year (Based on others comments) ? Sorry I have only been with TR for 5 years annual ( I Think).

I guess I have poor reading comprehension. So if I was legacy but let it increase last year to $189 last year, the price is going up to $209?

Meaning once you stopped taking a discount you are no longer considerer legacy so subject to all price increases?

If I have this right, I have to be honest this feels like a big slap in the face of longtime customers that supported and paid more. The email I received says 5 years since last increase, which is deceiving to put it mildly.

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This^^^ I feel worse for those that opted from $99 to 189 in good faith to have the rug pulled on them now. It will also potentially kill all the threads of people on the fence about pausing there subscription since it looks like unless you are a part of the old guard your “legacy” pricing is no longer secured. I am waiting for Nate however to clear this up

I was a member of this group. I’ve been a TR subscriber since 2013 and received immense benefit from it. As such, when the plea was made last year to eliminate the legacy pricing of $99 per year, I purposely let mine go to $189 per year as I felt it was fair and TR provides a good value for that money. I’m not going to cancel over another $20/year, but I don’t feel good about it either. Just a little over a year ago I agreed to almost double my subscription cost, and now there’s another price increase.


My annual sub is due to renew on July 17th, my email this morning said the changes are coming into effect after July 24th.
Why in my subscriptions, has the price already gone up? Genuine question, will probably keep the service just want to know? It’s not a tax thing as last year it did cost $309.99AUD all up.

Same here. Been a subscriber since 2014 or 15. Let mine go from 99 to the 189 knowing that Tr was worth more. Now don’t even get a chance to stay at current price anymore if we wanted to at legacy subscriptions. I know there is more stuff brought to the table even though still wanting for the triathlon stuff myself.


I’ve used the podcasts for a while but o ly just subscribed to use the training and plans etc. so the increase is new but I love the way you have gone about it, Trainer Road feels more like a community over a juggernaut commercial business that other prices rises recently made me vote with my wheels!

The transparency and rationale goes a long way! Haven’t read the other comments but I’m sure they’ll mostly be supportive!

Can’t fault the customer service I’ve had since using either!

I know this price raise is tough for some and I’m sorry.

The thing about TR is we are really really niche software. I would love to charge $5/month and keep it there forever and still build a great product but the market size for us isn’t big enough.

To put it in perspective, Zwift has $650,000,000 in funding and a massive market compared to us. We’re a distant #2 in the space, then behind us there are just very small indy devs.

Frankly, if we took investors TR would be watered down and probably made into a Zwift competitor because of the larger market.

We might build a virtual world one day, but for now I think there’s so much to be done in improving how AI helps cyclists to get faster.

We also don’t get that much press. That’s a mix between us being niche and the amount of money Zwift has spent advertising at cycling news websites. Although we do seem to get covered every time we change our price. :upside_down_face:

There’s also a very large youtube attack video that misrepresents TrainerRoad’s plans & product, misrepresents the science around the topic they are covering IMO, and is frankly super outdated yet continues to influence athletes. This was made by someone who is a competitor to TrainerRoad’s AI coaching whether they admit it or not.

I list these things because TR is in a unique position in the market. We’re big enough to have some major haters, but also are extremely niche with a limited market.

We have this core mission of making cyclists faster and I think we’re doing a good job at it and will continue to do even better.

So for those who will suspend because of today, I’m sorry we’re not worth the extra $2/month. I hope we can work hard and release new features and improve and hopefully win you back. :pray:



On our forum, we allow for open discussion. There are numerous forum members who haven’t used TR in years and years and jump into threads shitting on TR.

It’s kind of like someone hanging out at a Trek bike shop and telling everyone who enters that they don’t ride Treks and they suck.

We ask that everyone is constructive in their postings. :pray:


Personally, I’m fine with the modest price increase. Especially since I dropped Zwift (for the 2nd time). I’ve experienced measurable, positive results by using TrainerRoad consistently. I’m not that interested in “getting faster”, but do enjoy my rides more because my fitness has improved/sharpened. Additionally, I’ve become better informed on nutrition, pacing and overall efficiency on the bike through listening to the podcast.


Im so confused is legacy pricing staying? My subscription renews on the 5th if its the same I’ll keep, if it goes up im cancelling. My SO is probably going to hers

You’re right, I edited it. Thanks.

I want to start by saying I will be keeping on with TR I love product and its value. I am just saying that since December I have not been able to train do to personal situation and then having a major sprain in May. I kept on because I was under the impression that I had $189 pricing locked in. 6 months at about $20 is $120 and I am sure that I am not the only one that has been faced with this decision over the years.

A statement in this video seems to contradict this statement:
Legacy Pricing Update

Nate I understand this is a necessary evil but when the company has been built around the idea of loyalty. I guess we shouldn’t call it legacy price but rather beta pricing.

EDIT - Resolved in Private

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FYI, after reviewing some internal communications with a forum member, we believe they were arguing in bad faith and removed those messages.


Just to clarify. only those who decided to opted out in 2023 for the price increase are the only ones who stay legacy. So I, who have been subscribed since 2015 and decided not to opt into the cheaper price, mainly because I forgot but didn’t care because I thought TR was worth it, can no longer be considered legacy and have no more options to have an opt in or opt out. A bit of a kick in the butt for some early supporters! And I’m confused, the email said a price increase hasn’t been done for 5 years, although prices increased with those optional opts last year 2023, right?