to avoid the flat side, inflate your tire ro the max tire presure, use latex tubes, DONT LEAAVE IT ON THE TRAINER, and bring the tire on rides with lots of turns to round it back out
I use a GP5000 on my Wahoo KICKR Snap. I switched out my normal road wheel set with a tubeless set. Figured the GP5000’s would be good for the trainer. They’re super stiff and thick compared to the tubeless tires I use now.
So, yeah, go a dedicated trainer tire if you don’t already have an extra set of slicks to waste. Or, if you don’t want to go with a dedicated trainer tire, any really stiff slick like the GP5000 will do.
cyclocross tires are awsom on trainers
I’ve never cleaned a trainer tire. I just wipe it off occasionally. Is it possible that the window cleaner is drying out the rubber and causing it to crack when it goes through the thermal cycling? Not sure but just putting it out there as a possibility. Maybe someone else knows better.
should rotate front and back tire 2/3 through the rear tires life
Back in the day, I used the Conti trainer tire, actually wore one out on the Computrainer. My routine was to clean the tire off with Isopropyl alcohol, pump to max, set what I thought was appropriate contact pressure, ride for 10 min to warm up the tire, do a spin down then proceed with the workout. Smart trainers these days are so much easier.
I read that cleaning it with window cleaner is the way to go ( I’ll try just wiping it off occasionally for the coming period and see how it goes. Thanks man.
Cleaning tires? What is this madness?
Next thing you know, you’ll be washing bikes or something loony like that.
Huh, if that’s what their official support says then I would assume it’s safe.
With a wheel on trainer, you are trying to create a solid reproducible connection between your rear wheel and the roller on the trainer. My setup was indoors, and the rag I used to wipe down the tire would often come up black–either throw from the chain or actual wear on the roller. Either would decrease the “stiction” of the tire.
IMO…the entire point of the spindown is so you dont have to stress about the tire/trainer interface.
I just do a spindown every few days, or every time the bike is newly connected to the trainer.
ya smart trainers are the best
I have really good luck with the Vittoria trainer tires (going on 1 year of mid volume use and no issues).
I agree with some of the posts up thread. Tyre choice makes no difference on my Kickr Snap. There is never any rubber residue or dust. I just use whatever is on the bike at the time.