To lift or not to lift, that is the question

Glad to see this post & convo, as I’ve struggled w this decision of late. Know damn well I’m already struggling w the TR WOs, but lifting, particularly some squats & lunges would maybe help. I’d sorta decided that if I do start lifting, I’ll probably stack it, doing it immediately after my rides, after a 10 - 30 min cooldown. The lifting itself, in terms of capacity, reps, etc, would be garb compared to what it could be fresh, but I figure that would maximize recovery time before the next ride, and that’s what I’m really focused on anyways.

But for now, I’m still growing rapidly without lifting, so leaving it… for now.

But I do wonder if I’d be progressing faster if I started lifting, due to the sheer strength increase. Nothing you can do on the bike replicates the training load [… and adaptation???] of 3 sets of squats to failure, weighted so that the rep counts fall around 5 - 15 reps.

Anecdotally and its only N=1, but talking to a cat 1 racer he reckons he didn’t make the grade until he started doing weights.


I’ve only started lifting regularly recently (past 18 months) and “think” I’m feeling some gains, I’ve put 3 Kg on, not sure that this is all muscle and but have hit power PR’s over 30 sec, 1 Min and 3 Min. I also feel better in longer sustained efforts but not sure the w/kg has gone up equivocally to the weight!

But I do feel better all-round though, more solid, better core and shoulder strength.

Out of race season i was doing 3 sessions a week and DOMs were bad but now in season I’ve gone down to 1 session a week for maintenance and feeling the benefits with no sore legs.

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This is the biggest takeaway for me as well. I am not a fan of strength training at all - have never enjoyed it. Last off season I made it 3 weeks and then was on my bike more again. This off season I have been consistent 5 weeks now and I feel much better overall.

Now to just turn the 5 consistent weeks into a consistent 5 months :joy: