TR Employee Temporarily "Stuck" in UK; Looking For Turbo/Trainer

9 days! Maybe the BBC knows something the US doesnt…they are saying up to 3 days on stainless steel etc…that is one of the biggest problems with the pandemic is the disparity of information.

I have a “dumb” trainer (Tacx blue matic I think) and rollers I’m not using right now if you get desperate. I’m in East Surrey, about an hours drive up from Brighton

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Hi, I have an Elite Powermag with the elasto roller and a speed and cadence sensor (ant+). However I am in Stowmarket in Suffolk. It is a long drive but something to consider as a last resort.

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I got this far, and thought you had been dumped in the middle of pandemic after moving around the world. [Shudder]

Fortunately I did then read on about the shotgun. Congrats!


Excuse me Cooper, and I don’t mean to be a nit-picky Jobsworth type, but if you’ve just got married shouldn’t you have, erm, better things to do?


Hi Cooper,
If you can get to Reigate (Surrey) I can lend you my Tacx Flux and 54cm Specialized Allez DSW. I’m also on lockdown but at home in Suffolk where I use a Direto X.


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You’re a newlywed and quarantined… but looking for a trainer. Something doesn’t compute. :wink:

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Thank you so much for the offer. I think by the end of everything, I’ve got a full set up from a few people all around. :metal: I hope that your quarantine training is going well! Thanks again!

Thank you so much! I thiiink I’ve got everything sorted now, but if it comes down to it, I’ll definitely reach out. Thanks again! :+1:

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@Psychopasta and @pithy Haha :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: you’re not wrong… we did have a grand ol’ “honeymoon” in Bath. Practically had the whole city to ourselves. Now back at the in-laws in quarantine… not your typical post-marriage setup.

Thank you!! :+1:

Glad you got sorted mate and congratulations too. Great community spirit everyone.

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