TR Running Thread 2024

2.5 years later I’m giving it another go, 6 weeks in so far.

Same story on the magic mile. 7:52 for the mile - although I’m not in PB shape. It seems I just don’t have a non-aerobic pace at the moment.

The really “new thing” this time around will be three moderately long runs a week instead of failing one big long run every week.

The approach this season is guided by Garmin/Galloway half mara plan again as run/walk represents the closest thing to success I’ve had at the marathon distance. Rather than a steady/sluggish pace, faster intervals with walking gives me better form when I am running.

  1. Workout into easy club run on Tuesdays.

  2. Two or three half marathon distance runs per month, running to work will be the long run day in Thursdays.

  3. Moderately long run at the weekend.

Rest of the week to be bike days, one lift and one swim. All in all I’m aiming for two hard days and one moderately hard per week which I think is within my wheelhouse and seems to have raised no Red Flags as I’m ramping up.

The measure of success will be consistency, and if I can get my half time down to 1h50 again and my 70.3 run leg down as well.

Then I’ll consider a 4h30 marathon attempt at the end of November as I’ve failed my 4hr targets and hit 5hrs twice in the last five years.

Then, then if I can get near 4h30 this year then I’ll consider 4hrs in 2025 after some kind of weight loss winter.

Mile times and 5k times seem to be in sync though I’m a bit faster than the ten k times I tank at 24km. Hydration and fuelling will be a focus.

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