Transgender participation in sport

My point exactly. So many assertions being made on a complex subject without verifiable facts to support them.


Yes … loads :rofl:


Well, the transgender weightlifter that smashed 4 women world record in a single day for example ?

Well lets think of the sample size? yeah loads in that case.

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The Mack Beggs one is interesting because this is a female-to-male transitioning wrestler who wants to compete male but was forced to compete female by the ruling body.

Agreed so pretty much allowed doping?

*lOl didn’t realize racing was a right, thought it was a privilege.

My biggest concern with the whole transathlete thing is where does it stop? One day I might identify as a 15 year old and want to race with some kids. Will the race organizers be denying my human rights when they say no?

*The Olympic charter does say it is a right, see comments below.

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All strength athletes/events. Given the T reduction is based around the idea that it reduces times in aerobic sports, the governing body are well behind the curve there…

So one claimed to be a female but not gender-reassigned, tested and “caught”, In the other cases, no mention made of any testing protocols in a sport where the same thing could have been inflicted by another woman. and the third again, not a full gender reassignment, no testing protocol cited.

This is what is being cited as hard “fact” when in fact there are too many open questions. There is a big difference in identifying as another gender, transitioning and being fully transgendered.

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The subtext of a lot of the comments I read is that a man has decided to change his sex to a woman in order to be on the podium. And people always link the same articles as evidence . . . . the same half-dozen articles, the same half-dozen names.

That’s bullshit and reeks of confirmation bias.

A friend/coworker is trans. They (pronoun of choice) have spoken a lot about the transition and how complex it is — emotional, medical, etc. From what I’ve learned I cannot imagine that any person puts themselves in harm’s way just for the win. And, or the record, harm’s way goes beyond medical/emotional extending to transphobic bullying, assault, suicide and murder.

Of course, all of these “discussions” hide behind the idea that "We’re (men) just worried about what’s fair for the ‘real’ women in pro races" and that we (men) “need to protect women’s interests.” (I’m using quotes because I have actually heard men say this and seen it posted in forums and article comments — not because I’m being snarky or sarcastic.)

How effing arrogant!
How effing presumptuous!

If that were the case we’d (the cycling public) have just as many multi-page threads (and article comments) about paying pro Women living wages and ensuring that they receive health insurance. (Let’s start there and forget about the other benefits that women don’t get). Surly, access to medical care and having the ability to afford it is more important than who’s on the top step.

But, I’m probably overstepping already. I’m a cis, white male. The best thing I for me is to boost up someone who can speak directly to this, step aside, shut up and listen.


The Olympic charter says this:

The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of
practising sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which
requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play.

It’s the 4th fundamental principle - you can read the rest here:


Yes, And nothing prevent them from competing with men ?


I am mistaken, thank you for posting!


That is what you are getting from this conversation? for real?

It is unfair to women to compete against biology men end of the story. It is an unfair advantage in sports. Can all men beat all women in all sports hell no but it is an unfair advantage. If this isn’t the case then why have men and women events why haven’t they been competing against each other all along?

This has nothing to do with bigotry. I don’t care what folks decide to do in their personal life one bit or social life or business and also support their decisions.


I just remembered this:

All I can say is, I’m glad I don’t serve on the rules committee for any sports. I bet the difficulty of the job does not match the pay scale. :laughing:


You’re cyclist and you cannot believe this? I’m not saying that in this case but and almost every case will be just because someone wants to be male/female. But people do crazy things just for the win. Just like the example above where a whole team pretended to me mentally disabled to win at the paralypics.

Which comments have you read that display such subtext? We must be reading very different posts.

In fact, everyone here who doesn’t support the current situation of trans participation has done so respectfully and has offered a lot of opinion (that isn’t disguised as fact). The only comments here that I find to be unsavoury are yours, with your swearing, and another poster using the word bigot and both of you seem to be in support of the current situation.

How is it arrogant and presumptuous to want to protect the traditions that have been held in sport for so long? If the “greater good” argument was to be made, I think most people would agree that many more women benefit from not letting trans athletes compete in women’s sport, than trans women who suffer by being denied.

I really wish you wouldn’t bring this horrible identity politics in to this discussion. It doesn’t matter whether you’re a “cis white male”, anybody can have a relevant opinion here. And if you feel that strongly about shutting up and listening, then maybe you could’ve done that in the first place.


That single comment can derail any conversation. I see constructive dialogue happening in this thread and you have to throw that word out there.


Agreed. Why can’t we all have an adult conversation about this instead of swearing and name calling?

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