Read through the linked to thread ( Garmin Varia users - need feedback - Equipment - TrainerRoad), it dives deep into the benefits, and its really something you have to try before you realise actually its very good before a lot of people me included are nay sayers why do I need to buy a £130-160 light for something I can do for free (ears and shoulder checks). The varia alerts you to the presence of a car/driver and stops that wtf moment as they whizz by and by interpreting the lights you can guess what type of pass it will be (when it goes red to orange, you kinda know they’ve saw you). The change in light patterns tend to convince drivers not to close pass anyway and there’s many other benefits as the linked to thread suggests. I very rarely get close passes anymore thankfully. But the TREK is supposed to identify the position in lane of the driver behind so it would affirmatively identify a close pass.